Review period.

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§ 413.15 Review period.

(a) Review period duration. Unless otherwise specified in this chapter, the FAA reviews and makes a license or permit determination on an accepted application in accordance with the time frame specified in 51 U.S.C. 50905(a)(1). The FAA will establish the time frame for any incremental review and determination with an applicant on a case-by-case basis during pre-application consultation.

(b) Review period tolled. If an accepted application does not provide sufficient information to continue or complete the reviews or evaluations required by this chapter for a license, permit, or incremental determination, or an issue exists that would affect a determination, the FAA notifies the applicant, in writing, and informs the applicant of any information required to complete the application. If the FAA cannot review an accepted application because of lack of information or for any other reason, the FAA will toll the review period until the FAA receives the information it needs or the applicant resolves the issue.

(c) Notice. Except for applications under incremental review and determination in accordance with § 450.33, if the FAA does not make a decision in accordance with the time frame specified in 51 U.S.C. 50905(a)(1) for an accepted license application or 51 U.S.C. 50906(a) for an accepted permit application, the FAA informs the applicant, in writing, of any outstanding information needed to complete the review, or of any issues that would affect the decision.

[Doc. No. FAA-2019-0229, Amdt. 413-12, 85 FR 79711, Dec. 10, 2020]

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