Emergency orders.

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§ 405.5 Emergency orders.

The Associate Administrator may immediately terminate, prohibit, or suspend a licensed or permitted launch, reentry, or operation of a launch or reentry site if the Associate Administrator determines that -

(a) The licensed or permitted launch, reentry, or operation of a launch or reentry site is detrimental to public health and safety, the safety of property, or any national security or foreign policy interest of the United States; and

(b) The detriment cannot be eliminated effectively through the exercise of other authority of the Office.

[53 FR 11014, Apr. 4, 1988, as amended by Amdt. 405-1, 65 FR 56657, Sept. 19, 2000; Amdt. 405-3, 72 FR 17017, Apr. 6, 2007]

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