Authority to modify, suspend or revoke.

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§ 405.3 Authority to modify, suspend or revoke.

(a) The FAA may modify a license or permit issued under this chapter upon application by the licensee or permittee or upon the FAA's own initiative, if the FAA finds that the modification is consistent with the requirements of the Act.

(b) The FAA may suspend or revoke any license or permit issued to such licensee or permittee under this chapter if the FAA finds that a licensee or permittee has substantially failed to comply with any requirement of the Act, any regulation issued under the Act, the terms and conditions of a license or permit, or any other applicable requirement; or that public health and safety, the safety of property, or any national security or foreign policy interest of the United States so require.

(c) Unless otherwise specified by the Office, any modification, suspension or revocation made by the Office under this section:

(1) Takes effect immediately; and

(2) Continues in effect during any review of such action under Part 406 of this chapter.

(d) Whenever the FAA takes any action under this section, the FAA immediately notifies the licensee or permittee in writing of the FAA's finding and the action, which the FAA has taken or proposes to take regarding such finding.

[Doc. No. 43810, 53 FR 11014, Apr. 4, 1988, as amended by Amdt. 405-3, 72 FR 17016, Apr. 6, 2007]

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