Authority of the Administrative Law Judges, Office of Hearings.

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§ 385.11 Authority of the Administrative Law Judges, Office of Hearings.

The Administrative Law Judges, Office of Hearings, have authority to take the following actions in matters to which they are respectively assigned:

(a) Grant or deny intervention in formal proceedings.

(b) With respect to matters to be decided after notice and hearing, dismiss applications or complaints (except those falling under subpart D of part 302 of this chapter (Procedural Regulations)) when such dismissal is requested or consented to by the applicant or complainant, or where such party has failed to prosecute such application or complaint.

(c) Grant requests for consolidation of applications for route authority within the scope of the proceeding before him or her, and deny requests for consolidation of applications for route authority not within the scope of the proceeding.

(d) Approve or disapprove proposed settlements of enforcement proceedings submitted under § 302.215 of this chapter.

[Doc. No. T-1, 49 FR 50985, Dec. 31, 1984, as amended at 65 FR 6457, Feb. 9, 2000]

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