The Secretary shall establish a research and education program concerning integrated resource management and integrated crop management in order to enhance research related to farming operations, practices, and systems that optimize crop and livestock production potential and are environmentally sound. The purpose of the program shall be-
(1) to encourage producers to adopt integrated crop and livestock management practices and systems that minimize or abate adverse environmental impacts, reduce soil erosion and loss of water and nutrients, enhance the efficient use of on-farm and off-farm inputs, and maintain or increase profitability and long-term productivity;
(2) to develop knowledge and information on integrated crop and livestock management systems and practices to assist agricultural producers in the adoption of these systems and practices;
(3) to accumulate and analyze information on agricultural production practices researched or developed under programs established under this subchapter, chapter 86 of this title,1 and other appropriate programs of the Department of Agriculture to further the development of integrated crop and livestock management systems;
(4) to facilitate the adoption of whole-farm integrated crop and livestock management systems through demonstration projects on individual farms, including small and limited resource farms, throughout the United States; and
(5) to evaluate and recommend appropriate integrated crop and livestock management policies and programs.
The Secretary shall encourage agricultural producers to adopt and develop individual, site-specific integrated crop management practices. On a priority basis, the Secretary shall develop and disseminate information on integrated crop management systems for agricultural producers in specific localities or crop producing regions where the Secretary determines-
(1) water quality is impaired as a result of local or regional agricultural production practices; or
(2) the adoption of such practices may aid in the recovery of endangered or threatened species.
The Secretary shall, on a priority basis, develop programs to encourage livestock producers to develop and adopt individual, site-specific integrated resource management practices. These programs shall be designed to benefit producers and consumers through-
(1) optimum use of available resources and improved production and financial efficiency for producers;
(2) identifying and prioritizing the research and educational needs of the livestock industry relating to production and financial efficiency, competitiveness, environmental stability, and food safety; and
(3) utilizing an interdisciplinary approach.
There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out this section through the National Institute of Food and Agriculture $20,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2013 through 2023.
This subchapter, referred to in subsec. (a)(3), was in the original "this subtitle", meaning subtitle B (§§1619–1629) of title XVI of
Chapter 86 of this title, referred to in subsec. (a)(3), was in the original "subtitle G of title XIV", meaning subtitle G (§§1481–1485) of title XIV of
2018-Subsec. (d).
2014-Subsec. (d).
2008-Subsec. (d).
1996-Subsec. (a)(3).
Amendment of this section and repeal of
Amendment by section 7511(c)(16) of
1 See References in Text note below.