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§1330. Omitted


Section, acts May 26, 1941, ch. 133, 55 Stat. 203 ; Dec. 26, 1941, ch. 626, §2, 55 Stat. 860 ; Dec. 26, 1941, ch. 636, 55 Stat. 872 ; Aug. 29, 1949, ch. 518, §3(b), 63 Stat. 676 ; July 14, 1953, ch. 194, §3, 67 Stat. 151 ; Aug. 28, 1954, ch. 1041, title III, §313, 68 Stat. 905 , initially contained supplemental provisions relating to wheat and corn marketing quotas; marketing penalty for cotton and rice; crop loans on cotton, corn, wheat, rice, tobacco, and peanuts, but was amended generally in 1954 to make it inapplicable to corn. See section 1340 of this title.

Section was not enacted as part of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938 which comprises this chapter.

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