In this chapter-
(1) "designated terminal" means the home or away-from-home terminal for the assignment of a particular crew.
(2) "dispatching service employee" means an operator, train dispatcher, or other train employee who by the use of an electrical or mechanical device dispatches, reports, transmits, receives, or delivers orders related to or affecting train movements.
(3) "employee" means a dispatching service employee, a signal employee, or a train employee.
(4) "signal employee" means an individual who is engaged in installing, repairing, or maintaining signal systems.
(5) "train employee" means an individual engaged in or connected with the movement of a train, including a hostler.
Revised Section | Source (U.S. Code) | Source (Statutes at Large) |
21101(1) | 45:61(b)(4) (1st sentence). | Mar. 4, 1907, ch. 2939, |
21101(2)–(4) | (no source). | |
21101(5) | 45:61(b)(2). | Mar. 4, 1907, ch. 2939, §1(b)(2), |
Clause (2) is added to avoid the necessity of repeating the substance of the definition every time a "dispatching service employee" is referred to in this chapter. The language in clause (2) is derived from 45:63.
Clause (3) is added to provide a definition of "employee" when the source provisions apply to all types of employees covered by this chapter.
Clause (4) is added to avoid the necessity of repeating the substance of the definition every time a "signal employee" is referred to in this chapter. The language in clause (4) is derived from 45:63a.
In clause (5), the words "train employee" are substituted for "employee" to distinguish the term from the terms "dispatching service employee" and "signal employee". The word "actually" is omitted as surplus.
2008-Par. (4).
"(A) to adjust record keeping and reporting requirements to support compliance with chapter 211 of title 49, United States Code, as amended by this Act;
"(B) to authorize electronic record keeping, and reporting of excess service, consistent with appropriate considerations for user interface; and
"(C) to require training of affected employees and supervisors, including training of employees in the entry of hours of service data.