(A) inspect and test a signal system used by a railroad carrier; and
(B) decide whether the system is in safe operating condition.
(2) In carrying out this subsection, the Secretary may employ only an individual who-
(A) has no interest in a patented article required to be used on or with a signal system; and
(B) has no financial interest in a railroad carrier or in a concern dealing in railroad supplies.
Revised Section | Source (U.S. Code) | Source (Statutes at Large) |
20504(a) | 49 App.:26(d). | Feb. 4, 1887, ch. 104, |
49 App.:1655(e)(6)(A). | Oct. 15, 1966,
20504(b) | 45:36. | May 27, 1908, ch. 200, §1 (1st complete par. on p. 325), |
49 App.:1655(e)(1)(I). |
In subsection (a)(1)(B), the words "safe operating condition" are substituted for "proper condition to operate and provide adequate safety" to eliminate unnecessary words.
In subsection (a)(2), before clause (A), the text of 49:26(d) (2d sentence) is omitted because of 5:3101. The text of 49:26(d) (3d sentence) is omitted because of 5:ch. 33. The words "In carrying out this subsection, the Secretary may employ" are substituted for "shall be used for such purpose" for clarity. In clause (A), the words "either directly or indirectly" are omitted as surplus.
In subsection (b), the word "experimentally" is omitted as surplus. The words "signal system" are substituted for "any appliances or systems intended to promote the safety of railway operation" because of the definition of "signal system" in section 20501 of the revised title. The text of 45:36 (last sentence) is omitted because of 49:323.