The Congress finds that-
(1) the protection of public health and welfare, the preservation of national security, and the regulation of interstate commerce require the establishment of a program for the expended 1 use, consistent with applicable environmental requirements, of coal and other alternate fuels as primary energy sources for existing and new electric powerplants; and
(2) the purposes of this chapter are furthered in cases in which coal or other alternate fuels are used by electric powerplants, consistent with applicable environmental requirements, as primary energy sources in lieu of natural gas or petroleum.
The purpose 2 of this chapter, which shall be carried out in a manner consistent with applicable environmental requirements, are-
(1) to reduce the importation of petroleum and increase the Nation's capability to use indigenous energy resources of the United States to the extent such reduction and use further the goal of national energy self-sufficiency and otherwise are in the best interests of the United States;
(2) to encourage and foster the greater use of coal and other alternate fuels, in lieu of natural gas and petroleum, as a primary energy source;
(3) to the extent permitted by this chapter, to encourage the use of synthetic gas derived from coal or other alternate fuels;
(4) to encourage the rehabilitation and upgrading of railroad service and equipment necessary to transport coal to regions or States which can use coal in greater quantities;
(5) to encourage the modernization or replacement of existing and new electric powerplants which utilize natural gas or petroleum as a primary energy source and which cannot utilize coal or other alternate fuels where to do so furthers the conservation of natural gas and petroleum;
(6) to require that existing and new electric powerplants which utilize natural gas, petroleum, or coal or other alternate fuels pursuant to this chapter comply with applicable environmental requirements;
(7) to insure that all Federal agencies utilize their authorities fully in furtherance of the purposes of this chapter by carrying out programs designed to prohibit or discourage the use of natural gas and petroleum as a primary energy source and by taking such actions as lie within their authorities to maximize the efficient use of energy and conserve natural gas and petroleum in programs funded or carried out by such agencies;
(8) to insure that adequate supplies of natural gas are available for essential agricultural uses (including crop drying, seed drying, irrigation, fertilizer production, and production of essential fertilizer ingredients for such uses);
(9) to reduce the vulnerability of the United States to energy supply interruptions; and
(10) to regulate interstate commerce.
This chapter, referred to in text, was in the original "this Act", meaning
1987-Subsec. (a)(1), (2).
Subsec. (b)(2).
Subsec. (b)(3), (4).
Subsec. (b)(5).
Subsec. (b)(6).
Subsec. (b)(7) to (10).
"(1) any electric powerplant which, as of April 20, 1977, has received a final decision from the appropriate State agency authorizing the construction of such powerplant, and
"(2) any electric powerplant (A) consisting of one or more combined cycle units owned or operated by an electric utility which serves at least 2,000,000 customers and (B) for which an application has been filed for at least one year before the date of the enactment of this Act [Nov. 9, 1978] with the appropriate State agency for authorization to construct such powerplant,
the Secretary may receive, consider, and grant (or deny) any petition for an exemption under title II or III [subchapters II and III of this chapter] notwithstanding section 901 [section 901 of
1 So in original. Probably should be "expanded".
2 So in original. Probably should be "purposes".