For the purpose of carrying out his authority under section 6381 of this title-
(1) the Comptroller General may-
(A) sign and issue subpenas for the attendance and testimony of witnesses and the production of books, records, papers, and other documents;
(B) require any person, by general or special order, to submit answers in writing to interrogatories, to submit books, records, papers, or other documents, or to submit any other information or reports, and such answers or other submissions shall be made within such reasonable period, and under oath or otherwise, as the Comptroller General may determine; and
(C) administer oaths.
(2) the Comptroller General, or any officer or employee duly designated by the Comptroller General, upon presenting appropriate credentials and a written notice from the Comptroller General to the owner, operator, or agent in charge, may-
(A) enter, at reasonable times, any business premise or facility; and
(B) inspect, at reasonable times and in a reasonable manner, any such premise or facility, inventory and sample any stock of energy resources therein, and examine and copy books, records, papers, or other documents, relating to any energy information, or any financial information in the case of a vertically integrated petroleum company.
The Comptroller General shall have access to any energy information within the possession of any Federal agency (other than the Internal Revenue Service) as is necessary to carry out his authority under this section.
(1) Except as provided in subsections (d) and (e), the Comptroller General shall transmit a copy of the results of any verification examination conducted under section 6381 of this title to the Federal agency to which energy information which was subject to such examination was furnished.
(2) Any report made pursuant to paragraph (1) shall include the Comptroller General's findings with respect to the accuracy, reliability, and adequacy of the energy information which was the subject of such examination.
If the verification examination was conducted at the request of any committee of the Congress, the Comptroller General shall report his findings as to the accuracy, reliability, or adequacy of the energy information which was the subject of such examination, or financial information in the case of a vertically integrated petroleum company, directly to such committee of the Congress and any such information obtained and such report shall be deemed the property of such committee and may not be disclosed except in accordance with the rules of the committee and the rules of the House of Representatives or the Senate and as permitted by law.
(1) Any information obtained by the Comptroller General or any officer or employee of the Government Accountability Office pursuant to the exercise of responsibilities or authorities under this section which relates to geological or geophysical information, or any estimate or interpretation thereof, the disclosure of which would result in significant competitive disadvantage or significant loss to the owner thereof shall not be disclosed except to a committee of Congress. Any such information so furnished to a committee of the Congress shall be deemed the property of such committee and may not be disclosed except in accordance with the rules of the committee and the rules of the House of Representatives or the Senate and as permitted by law.
(2) Any person who knowingly discloses information in violation of paragraph (1) shall be subject to the penalties specified in section 754(a)(3)(B) and (4) 1 of title 15.
Section 754 of title 15, referred to in subsec. (e)(2), was omitted from the Code pursuant to section 760g of Title 15, Commerce and Trade, which provided for the expiration of the President's authority under that section on Sept. 30, 1981.
2004-Subsec. (e)(1).
1996-Subsec. (f).
1 See References in Text note below.