Upon request of the Governor of any State, the Secretary shall provide, subject to the availability of personnel and funds, information and technical assistance, including model State laws and proposed regulations relating to energy conservation, and other assistance in-
(1) the preparation of the reports described in section 6322 of this title, and
(2) the development, implementation, or modification of an energy conservation plan of such State submitted under section 6322(b) or (e) of this title.
(1) The Secretary may grant Federal financial assistance pursuant to this section for the purpose of assisting such State in the development of any such energy conservation plan or in the implementation or modification of a State energy conservation plan or part thereof which has been submitted to and approved by the Secretary pursuant to this part.
(2) In determining whether to approve a State energy conservation plan submitted under section 6322(b) or (e) of this title, the Secretary-
(A) shall take into account the impact of local economic, climatic, geographic, and other unique conditions and requirements of such State on the opportunity to conserve and to improve efficiency in the use of energy in such State; and
(B) may extend the period of time during which a State energy conservation feasibility report or State energy conservation plan may be submitted if the Secretary determines that participation by the State submitting such report or plan is likely to result in significant progress toward achieving the purposes of this chapter.
No such plan shall be disapproved without notice and an opportunity to present views.
(3) In determining the amount of Federal financial assistance to be provided to any State under this subsection, the Secretary shall consider-
(A) the contribution to energy conservation which can reasonably be expected,
(B) the number of people affected by such plan, and
(C) the consistency of such plan with the purposes of this chapter, and such other factors as the Secretary deems appropriate.
Each recipient of Federal financial assistance under subsection (b) shall keep such records as the Secretary shall require, including records which fully disclose the amount and disposition by each recipient of the proceeds of such assistance, the total cost of the plan, program, projects, measures, or systems for which such assistance was given or used, the source and amount of funds for such plan, program, projects, measures, or systems not supplied by the Secretary, and such other records as the Secretary determines necessary to facilitate an effective audit and performance evaluation. The Secretary and Comptroller General of the United States, or any of their duly authorized representatives, shall have access for the purpose of audit and examination, at reasonable times and under reasonable conditions, to any pertinent books, documents, papers, and records of any recipient of Federal assistance under this part.
Each State receiving Federal financial assistance pursuant to this section shall provide reasonable assurance to the Secretary that it has established policies and procedures designed to assure that Federal financial assistance under this part and under part E of this subchapter will be used to supplement, and not to supplant, State and local funds, and to the extent practicable, to increase the amount of such funds that otherwise would be available, in the absence of such Federal financial assistance, for those programs set forth in the State energy conservation plan approved pursuant to subsection (b).
(1) Effective October 1, 1991, to be eligible for Federal financial assistance pursuant to this section, a State shall submit to the Secretary, as a supplement to its energy conservation plan, an energy emergency planning program for an energy supply disruption, as designed by the State consistent with applicable Federal and State law. The contingency plan provided for by the program shall include an implementation strategy or strategies (including regional coordination) for dealing with energy emergencies. The submission of such plan shall be for informational purposes only and without any requirement of approval by the Secretary.
(2) Federal financial assistance made available under this part to a State may be used to develop and conduct the energy emergency planning program requirement referred to in paragraph (1).
If the Secretary determines that a State has demonstrated a commitment to improving the energy efficiency of buildings within such State, the Secretary may, beginning in fiscal year 1994, provide up to $1,000,000 to such State for deposit into a revolving fund established by such State for the purpose of financing energy efficiency improvements in State and local government buildings. In making such determination the Secretary shall consider whether-
(1) such State, or a majority of the units of local government with jurisdiction over building energy codes within such State, has adopted codes for energy efficiency in new buildings that are at least as stringent as American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers Standard 90.1–1989 (with respect to commercial buildings) and Council of American Building Officials Model Energy Code, 1992 (with respect to residential buildings);
(2) such State has established a program, including a revolving fund, to finance energy efficiency improvement projects in State and local government facilities and buildings; and
(3) such State has obtained funding from non-Federal sources, including but not limited to, oil overcharge funds, State or local government appropriations, or utility contributions (including rebates) equal to or greater than three times the amount provided by the Secretary under this subsection for deposit into such revolving fund.
This chapter, referred to in subsec. (b)(2)(B), (3)(C), was in the original "this Act", meaning
1992-Subsec. (f).
1990-Subsecs. (d), (e).
1976-Subsec. (b)(2).
Subsec. (c).