Not later than 1 year after December 22, 1987, the Secretary shall develop and disseminate vaccine information materials for distribution by health care providers to the legal representatives of any child or to any other individual receiving a vaccine set forth in the Vaccine Injury Table. Such materials shall be published in the Federal Register and may be revised.
Such materials shall be developed or revised-
(1) after notice to the public and 60 days of comment thereon, and
(2) in consultation with the Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines, appropriate health care providers and parent organizations, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Food and Drug Administration.
The information in such materials shall be based on available data and information, shall be presented in understandable terms and shall include-
(1) a concise description of the benefits of the vaccine,
(2) a concise description of the risks associated with the vaccine,
(3) a statement of the availability of the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, and
(4) such other relevant information as may be determined by the Secretary.
On and after a date determined by the Secretary which is-
(1) after the Secretary develops the information materials required by subsection (a), and
(2) not later than 6 months after the date such materials are published in the Federal Register,
each health care provider who administers a vaccine set forth in the Vaccine Injury Table shall provide to the legal representatives of any child or to any other individual to whom such provider intends to administer such vaccine a copy of the information materials developed pursuant to subsection (a), supplemented with visual presentations or oral explanations, in appropriate cases. Such materials shall be provided prior to the administration of such vaccine.
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title XXI, §2126, as added
In subsec. (a), "December 22, 1987" substituted for "the effective date of this subpart" on authority of section 323 of
1993-Subsec. (a).
Subsec. (b).
Subsec. (c).
"(1) the frequency, severity, and potential long-term effects of the disease to be prevented by the vaccine,
"(2) the symptoms or reactions to the vaccine which, if they occur, should be brought to the immediate attention of the health care provider,
"(3) precautionary measures legal representatives should take to reduce the risk of any major adverse reactions to the vaccine that may occur,
"(4) early warning signs or symptoms to which legal representatives should be alert as possible precursors to such major adverse reactions,
"(5) a description of the manner in which legal representatives should monitor such major adverse reactions, including a form on which reactions can be recorded to assist legal representatives in reporting information to appropriate authorities,
"(6) a specification of when, how, and to whom legal representatives should report any major adverse reaction,
"(7) the contraindications to (and bases for delay of) the administration of the vaccine,
"(8) an identification of the groups, categories, or characteristics of potential recipients of the vaccine who may be at significantly higher risk of major adverse reaction to the vaccine than the general population,
"(9) a summary of-
"(A) relevant Federal recommendations concerning a complete schedule of childhood immunizations, and
"(B) the availability of the Program, and
"(10) such other relevant information as may be determined by the Secretary."
Subsec. (d).
1992-Subsec. (b)(2).
1989-Subsec. (c)(9).
"(A) the number of vaccinations required for school attendance and the schedule recommended for such vaccinations, and
"(B) the availability of the Program, and".
1987-Subsec. (a).
For applicability of amendments by