The Secretary may not make payments under section 290cc–21 of this title to a State unless, as part of the application required in section 290cc–29 of this title, the State submits to the Secretary a statement-
(1) identifying existing programs providing services and housing to eligible homeless individuals and identify gaps in the delivery systems of such programs;
(2) containing a plan for providing services and housing to eligible homeless individuals, which plan-
(A) describes the coordinated and comprehensive means of providing services and housing to homeless individuals; and
(B) includes documentation that suitable housing for eligible homeless individuals will accompany the provision of services to such individuals;
(3) describes the source of the non-Federal contributions described in section 290cc–23 of this title;
(4) contains assurances that the non-Federal contributions described in section 290cc–23 of this title will be available at the beginning of the grant period;
(5) describe any voucher system that may be used to carry out this part; and
(6) contain such other information or assurances as the Secretary may reasonably require.
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title V, §526, as added
A prior section 526 of act July 1, 1944, was renumbered section 547 by section 611(2) of