The Secretary of the Army, acting through the Chief of Engineers, is authorized to plan and establish wetland areas as part of an authorized water resources development project under his jurisdiction. Establishment of any wetland area in connection with the dredging required for such a water resources development project may be undertaken in any case where the Chief of Engineers in his judgment finds that-
(1) environmental, economic, and social benefits of the wetland area justifies the increased cost thereof above the cost required for alternative methods of disposing of dredged material for such project; and
(2) the increased cost of such wetland area will not exceed $400,000; and
(3) there is reasonable evidence that the wetland area to be established will not be substantially altered or destroyed by natural or man-made causes.
Whenever the Secretary of the Army, acting through the Chief of Engineers, submits to Congress a report on a water resources development project after October 22, 1976, such report shall include, where appropriate, consideration of the establishment of wetland areas.
In the computation of benefits and cost of any water resources development project the benefits of establishing of any wetland area shall be deemed to be at least equal to the cost of establishing such area. All costs of establishing a wetland area shall be borne by the United States.
Section was enacted as part of the Water Resources Development Act of 1976, and not as part of the Water Resources Planning Act which comprises this chapter.