The Secretary shall conduct a 5-year program, in accordance with sections 13541 and 13542 of this title, on cost effective technologies to improve energy efficiency and increase the use of renewable energy in the buildings, industrial, and utility sectors. Such program shall include a broad range of technological approaches, and shall include field demonstrations of sufficient scale and number to prove technical and economic viability to meet the goals stated in section 13401 of this title. Such program shall include the activities required under sections 13452, 13453, 13454, 13455, 13456, and 13457 of this title and section 2106 1 and ongoing activities of a similar nature at the Department of Energy. Such program shall also include the activities conducted pursuant to the Steel and Aluminum Energy Conservation and Technology Competitiveness Act of 1988 (
The goals of the program established under subsection (a) shall include-
(1) in the buildings sector-
(A) to accelerate the development of technologies that will increase energy efficiency;
(B) to increase the use of renewable energy; and
(C) to reduce environmental impacts;
(2) in the industrial sector-
(A) to accelerate the development of technologies that will increase energy efficiency in order to improve productivity;
(B) to increase the use of renewable energy; and
(C) to reduce environmental impacts; and
(3) in the utility sector-
(A) to accelerate the development of technologies that will increase energy efficiency; and
(B) to increase the use of integrated resource planning.
Within 180 days after October 24, 1992, the Secretary shall prepare and submit to the Congress a 5-year program plan to guide activities under this part. In preparing the program plan, the Secretary shall consult with appropriate representatives of industry, utilities, institutions of higher education, Federal agencies, including national laboratories, and professional and technical societies.
Within 1 year after October 24, 1992, the Secretary shall solicit proposals for conducting activities under this section.
There are authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary for carrying out this part, including all building, industry, and utility sectors energy conservation research and development, and inventions and innovation under energy conservation technical and financial assistance, $178,250,000 for fiscal year 1993 and $275,000,000 for fiscal year 1994.
Section 2106, referred to in subsec. (a), means section 2106 of
The Steel and Aluminum Energy Conservation and Technology Competitiveness Act of 1988, referred to in subsec. (a), is
The Department of Energy Metal Casting Competitiveness Research Act of 1990, referred to in subsec. (a), is
This part, referred to in subsecs. (c) and (e), was in the original "this subtitle" meaning subtitle A of title XXI of
"(1) assess existing district heating and cooling technologies to determine cost-effectiveness, technical performance, energy efficiency, and environmental impacts as compared to alternative methods for heating and cooling buildings;
"(2) estimate the economic value of benefits that may result from implementation of district heating and cooling systems but that are not currently recognized, such as reduced emissions of air pollutants, local economic development, and energy security;
"(3) evaluate the cost-effectiveness, including the economic value referred to in paragraph (2), of cogenerated district heating and cooling technologies compared to other alternatives for generating or conserving electricity;
"(4) assess and make recommendations for reducing institutional and other constraints on the implementation of district heating and cooling systems; and
"(5) evaluate the use of renewable energy systems (as such term is defined in section 415(c) of the Energy Conservation and Production Act (42 U.S.C. 6865(c))) in residential buildings.
"(1) estimate the potential for conserving energy and the economic and environmental benefits that may result from implementing active noise and vibration abatement technologies in demand side management; and
"(2) evaluate the cost-effectiveness of active noise and vibration cancellation technologies as compared to other alternatives for reducing noise and vibration.
1 See References in Text note below.