The Secretary shall carry out a program, in accordance with sections 13541 and 13542 of this title, on techniques related to improving natural gas and other alternative fuel vehicle technology, including-
(1) fuel injection;
(2) carburetion;
(3) manifolding;
(4) combustion;
(5) power optimization;
(6) efficiency;
(7) lubricants and detergents;
(8) engine durability;
(9) ignition, including fuel additives to assist ignition;
(10) multifuel engines;
(11) emissions control, including catalysts;
(12) novel gas compression concepts;
(13) advanced storage systems;
(14) advanced gaseous fueling technologies; and
(15) the incorporation of advanced materials in these areas.
The Secretary may enter into cooperative agreements with, and provide financial assistance to, public or private entities willing to provide 50 percent of the costs of a program to perform activities under subsection (a).
For purposes of this section-
(1) the term "alternative fuel vehicle" means a motor vehicle that operates on alternative fuels; and
(2) the term "motor vehicle" includes any automobile, truck, bus, van, or other on-road or off-road motor vehicle, including a boat.