If the Secretary determines that the utilization of a clean coal technology is not practicable for a proposed project and that a United States conventional coal technology would constitute a substantial improvement in efficiency, costs, and environmental performance relative to the technology being used in a developing country or country making the transition from nonmarket to market economies, with significant indigenous coal resources, such technology shall, for purposes of sections 13361 and 13362 1 of this title, be considered a clean coal technology. In the case of combustion technologies, only the retrofit, repowering, or replacement of a conventional technology shall constitute a substantial improvement for purposes of this section. In carrying out this section, the Secretary shall give highest priority to promoting the most environmentally sound and energy efficient technologies.
Sections 13361 and 13362 of this title, referred to in text, was in the original "sections 1321 and 1322" and was translated as reading "sections 1331 and 1332" meaning sections 1331 and 1332 of
1 See References in Text note below.