The Secretary shall have overall management responsibility for carrying out programs under this chapter. In carrying out such programs, the Secretary, consistent with such overall management responsibility-
(1) shall use the expertise of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the Department of Transportation; and
(2) may use the expertise of any other Federal agency in accordance with subsection (b) in carrying out any activities under this chapter,1 to the extent that the Secretary determines that any such agency has capabilities which would allow such agency to contribute to the purpose of this chapter.
The Secretary may, in accordance with subsection (a), obtain the assistance of any department, agency, or instrumentality of the Executive branch of the Federal Government upon written request, on a reimbursable basis or otherwise and with the consent of such department, agency, or instrumentality. Each such request shall identify the assistance the Secretary deems necessary to carry out any duty under this chapter.
The Secretary shall consult with the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, the Secretary of Transportation, and the Hydrogen Technical Advisory Panel established under section 12407 of this title in carrying out his authorities pursuant to this chapter.
This chapter, the first time appearing in subsec. (a)(2), was in the original "this title", and was translated as reading "this Act" meaning
1 See References in Text note below.