In evaluating applications submitted under section 12182(b)(2)(B) of this title, the Secretary shall ensure that-
(1) the residents of the target area to be served (as identified under the strategic development plan) would have an income that is less than the median income for the area (as determined by the Secretary);
(2) the applicant community development corporation possesses the technical and managerial capability necessary to administer a revolving loan fund and has past experience in the development and management of housing, community and economic development programs;
(3) the applicant community development corporation has provided sufficient evidence of the existence of good working relationships with-
(A) local businesses and financial institutions, as well as with the community the corporation proposes to serve; and
(B) local and regional job training programs;
(4) the applicant community development corporation will target job opportunities that arise from revolving loan fund investments under this subpart so that 75 percent of the jobs retained or created under such investments are provided to-
(A) individuals with-
(i) incomes that do not exceed the Federal poverty line; or
(ii) incomes that do not exceed 80 percent of the median income of the area;
(B) individuals who are unemployed or underemployed;
(C) individuals who are participating or have participated in job training programs authorized under title I of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act [29 U.S.C. 3111 et seq.] or the Family Support Act of 1988 (
(D) individuals whose jobs may be retained as a result of the provision of financing available under this subpart; or
(E) individuals who have historically been underrepresented in the local economy; and
(5) a representative cross section of applicants are approved, including large and small community development corporations, urban and rural community development corporations and community development corporations representing diverse populations.
In determining which application to approve under this subpart the Secretary shall give priority to those applicants proposing to serve a target area-
(1) with a median income that does not exceed 80 percent of the median for the area (as determined by the Secretary); and
(2) with a high rate of unemployment, as determined by the Secretary or in which the population loss is at least 7 percent from April 1, 1980, to April 1, 1990, as reported by the Bureau of the Census.
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, referred to in subsec. (a)(4)(C), is
The Family Support Act of 1988, referred to in subsec. (a)(4)(C), is
Section was formerly classified to section 13823 of Title 42, The Public Health and Welfare, prior to editorial reclassification and renumbering as this section.
2014-Subsec. (a)(4)(C).
1998-Subsec. (a)(4)(C).
Amendment by
Amendment by section 101(f) [title VIII, §405(d)(44)] of