For the purposes of this chapter except as the context may otherwise require-
(a) The term "Department" means the Department of Health and Human Services.
(b) The term "Secretary" means the Secretary of Health and Human Services.
(c) The term "State" means a State or Territory of the United States, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, or the District of Columbia.
(d) The term "eligible person" means an individual with respect to whom the following certificates are furnished to the Secretary:
(1) A certificate of the Secretary of State that such individual is a national of the United States; and
(2) Either (A) a certificate obtained or transmitted by the Secretary of State that such individual has been legally adjudged insane in a named foreign country, or (B) a certificate of an appropriate authority or person (as determined in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Health and Human Services) stating that at the time of such certification such individual was in a named foreign country and was in need of care and treatment in a mental hospital.
(e) The term "residence" means residence as determined under the applicable law or regulations of a State or political subdivision for the purpose of determining the eligibility of an individual for hospitalization in a public mental hospital.
"Department of Health and Human Services" substituted for "Department of Health, Education, and Welfare" in subsec. (a) and "Secretary of Health and Human Services" substituted for "Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare" in subsecs. (b) and (d)(2), pursuant to section 509(b) of