The President, in coordination with the Secretary of State, the Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development, and the Secretary of Defense, and in consultation with the appropriate congressional committees specified in subsection (b), shall select certain countries as "priority countries" and certain regions as "priority regions" for the purpose of implementing the Global Fragility Strategy required under section 9803 of this title-
(1) on the basis of-
(A) the national security interests of the United States;
(B) clearly defined indicators of the levels of violence or fragility in such country or region, such as the country's or region's-
(i) ranking on recognized global fragility lists, such as the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development States of Fragility report, the Fund for Peace Fragile States Index, the World Bank Harmonized List of Fragile Situations, the Institute for Economics and Peace Global Peace Index, and the Holocaust Museum Early Warning Project Risk Assessment;
(ii) ranking on select United States Government conflict and atrocity early warning watch lists;
(iii) levels of violence, including violence committed by armed groups, state actors, and violent extremist organizations, gender-based violence, and violence against children and youth; and
(iv) vulnerability to rising sea levels, flooding, drought, wildfires, desertification, deforestation, food insecurity, and human displacement; and
(C) an assessment of-
(i) the commitment and capacity of national and sub-national government entities and civil society partners in such country or region to work with relevant Federal departments and agencies on the Global Fragility Strategy, including by demonstrating commitment to-
(I) improving inclusive, transparent, and accountable power structures, including effective, legitimate, and resilient national and sub-national institutions; and
(II) ensuring strong foundations for human rights, rule of law, and equal access to justice; and
(ii) the likelihood that United States assistance under the Global Fragility Strategy would measurably help to reduce fragility, prevent the spread of extremism and violence, and stabilize conflict-affected areas in each such country or region; and
(2) in a manner that ensures that not fewer than five countries or regions are selected, including not fewer than two in which the priority will be preventing violent conflict and fragility, rather than stabilizing ongoing conflicts.
Prior to finalization of the selection of priority countries and regions under subsection (a), representatives from the Department of State, USAID, the Department of Defense, and other relevant Federal departments and agencies, as necessary and appropriate, shall brief the appropriate congressional committees on the countries and regions being considered and shall consider congressional input on such prioritization.