Fees for certification of invoices

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§4201. Fees for certification of invoices

Fees for the consular certification of invoices shall be, and they are, included with the fees for official services for which the President is authorized by section 4219 of this title to prescribe rates or tariffs.

(Apr. 5, 1906, ch. 1366, §9, 34 Stat. 101 .)

Editorial Notes


Section was not enacted as part of the Foreign Service Act of 1980 which comprises this chapter.

A further provision of section 9 of act Apr. 5, 1906, repealed R.S. §2851, which provided for certification of invoices of imported merchandise by the collector of the post, and R.S. §1721, which prescribed a fee of one dollar to be charged by the consul-general for the British North American provinces, for certifying invoices of goods not exceeding $100 in value.

Section was formerly classified to section 1181 of this title, and prior thereto to section 84 of this title.

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