The United States Governor is authorized to contribute on behalf of the United States $50,000,000 to the African Development Fund, which would represent an additional United States contribution to the first replenishment. The Secretary of the Treasury is directed to begin discussions with other donor nations to the African Development Fund for the purpose of setting amounts and of reviewing and possibly changing the voting structure within the Fund: Provided, however, That any commitment to make such contribution shall be made subject to obtaining the necessary appropriations.
In order to pay for the United States contribution to the African Development Fund provided for in this section there are authorized to be appropriated without fiscal year limitation $50,000,000 for payment by the Secretary of the Treasury.
A prior section 211 of
Section effective Oct. 3, 1977, except that no funds authorized to be appropriated by this section may be available for use or obligation prior to Oct. 1, 1977, see section 1001 of