Any securities issued by the Bank (including any guarantee by the Bank, whether or not limited in scope) in connection with raising of funds for including in the Bank's capital resources as defined in article II, section 5, and article IIA, section 4, of the agreement, and any securities guaranteed by the Bank as to both principal and interest to which the commitment in article II, section 4(a)(ii), or article IIA, section 3(c), of the agreement is expressly applicable, shall be deemed to be exempted securities within the meaning of subsection (a)(2) of section 77c of title 15 and subsection (a)(12) of section 78c of title 15. The Bank shall file with the Securities and Exchange Commission such annual and other reports with regard to such securities as the Commission shall determine to be appropriate in view of the special character of the Bank and its operations and necessary in the Public interest or for the protection of investors.
The Securities and Exchange Commission, acting in consultation with the National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Problems, is authorized to suspend the provisions of subsection (a) at any time as to any or all securities issued or guaranteed by the Bank during the period of such suspension. The Commission shall include in its annual reports to Congress such information as it shall deem advisable with regard to the operations and effect of this section and in connection therewith shall include any views submitted for such purpose by any association of dealers registered with the Commission.
1976-Subsec. (a).
For effective date of amendment by
Functions of National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Problems delegated to National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Policies, see section 2(a) of Ex. Ord. No. 11269, Feb. 14, 1966, 31 F.R. 2813, set out as a note under section 286b of this title.