There is hereby authorized to be appropriated to the Department of State, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated-
(a) Such sums as may be necessary for the payment by the United States of its proportionate share of the expenses of the Pan American Railway Congress and its Permanent Commission; and
(b) Such additional sums as may be needed for the payment of all necessary expenses incident to participation by the United States in the activities thereof, including expenses of the United States delegates, their alternates, and appropriate staff, without regard to the civil-service laws and chapter 51 and subchapter III of chapter 53 of title 5; personal services in the District of Columbia; services as authorized by section 3109 of title 5; hire of passenger motor vehicles and other local transportation; printing and binding without regard to section 501 of title 44 and section 6101 of title 41; and such other expenses as the Secretary of State finds necessary to participation by the United States in the activities of the organization: Provided, That the provisions of section 287r of this title, and regulations thereunder, applicable to expenses incurred pursuant to subchapter XVII of this chapter shall be applicable to any expenses incurred pursuant to this subsection.
(June 28, 1948, ch. 686, §2,
Subchapter XVII [§287m et seq.] of this chapter, referred to in subsec. (b), was in the original a reference to the Act of July 30, 1946 (Public Law 565, Seventy-ninth Congress).
In subsec. (b), "chapter 51 and subchapter III of chapter 53 of title 5" and "section 3109 of title 5" substituted for "the Classification Act of 1949" and "section 15 of Public Law 600, Seventy-ninth Congress [5 U.S.C. 55a]", respectively, on authority of
In subsec. (b), "section 501 of title 44" substituted for "section 11 of the Act of March 1, 1919 (44 U.S.C. 111)," on authority of
In subsec. (b), "section 6101 of title 41" substituted for "section 3709 of the Revised Statutes, as amended" on authority of
1982-Subsec. (a).
1970-Subsec. (a).
1949-Subsec. (b). Act Oct. 28, 1949, substituted "Classification Act of 1949" for "Classification Act of 1923".
Act Oct. 28, 1949, ch. 782, cited as a credit to this section, was repealed (subject to a savings clause) by
Annual appropriations to meet the obligations of membership in various international organizations were contained in acts listed in a note set out under section 269a of this title.