To improve monitoring and oversight of taxpayer funds authorized for appropriation under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 6301 et seq.), and to deter and prohibit waste, fraud, and abuse with respect to such funds, the Secretary of Education shall-
(1) notify each recipient of a grant under such Act (and, if applicable, require the grantee to inform each subgrantee) of its responsibility to-
(A) comply with all monitoring requirements under the applicable program or programs; and
(B) monitor properly any subgrantee under the applicable program or programs;
(2) review and analyze the results of monitoring and compliance reviews-
(A) to understand trends and identify common issues; and
(B) to issue guidance to help grantees address such issues before the loss or misuse of taxpayer funding occurs;
(3) publicly report the work undertaken by the Secretary to prevent fraud, waste, and abuse with respect to such taxpayer funds; and
(4) work with the Office of Inspector General of the Department of Education, as needed, to help ensure that employees of the Department understand how to adequately monitor grantees and to help grantees adequately monitor any subgrantees.
The Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 and such Act, referred to in text, are
Section was enacted as part of the Every Student Succeeds Act, and not as part of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 which comprises this chapter.
Prior sections 7934 to 7938 were omitted in the general amendment of former subchapter IX of this chapter by
Section 7934,
Section 7935,
Section 7936,
Section 7937,
Section 7938,
Section effective Dec. 10, 2015, except with respect to certain noncompetitive programs and competitive programs, see section 5 of