Congress finds as follows:
(1) The security, stability, and economic vitality of the United States in a complex global era depend upon American experts in and citizens knowledgeable about world regions, foreign languages, and international affairs, as well as upon a strong research base in these areas.
(2) Advances in communications technology and the growth of regional and global problems make knowledge of other countries and the ability to communicate in other languages more essential to the promotion of mutual understanding and cooperation among nations and their peoples.
(3) Dramatic changes in the world's geopolitical and economic landscapes are creating needs for American expertise and knowledge about a greater diversity of less commonly taught foreign languages and nations of the world.
(4) Systematic efforts are necessary to enhance the capacity of institutions of higher education in the United States for-
(A) producing graduates with international and foreign language expertise and knowledge; and
(B) research regarding such expertise and knowledge.
(5) Cooperative efforts among the Federal Government, institutions of higher education, and the private sector are necessary to promote the generation and dissemination of information about world regions, foreign languages, and international affairs throughout education, government, business, civic, and nonprofit sectors in the United States.
The purposes of this part are-
(1)(A) to support centers, programs, and fellowships in institutions of higher education in the United States for producing increased numbers of trained personnel and research in foreign languages, area studies, and other international studies;
(B) to develop a pool of international experts to meet national needs;
(C) to develop and validate specialized materials and techniques for foreign language acquisition and fluency, emphasizing (but not limited to) the less commonly taught languages;
(D) to promote access to research and training overseas, including through linkages with overseas institutions; and
(E) to advance the internationalization of a variety of disciplines throughout undergraduate and graduate education;
(2) to support cooperative efforts promoting access to and the dissemination of international and foreign language knowledge, teaching materials, and research, throughout education, government, business, civic, and nonprofit sectors in the United States, through the use of advanced technologies; and
(3) to coordinate the programs of the Federal Government in the areas of foreign language, area studies, and other international studies, including professional international affairs education and research.
The Secretary shall, prior to requesting applications for funding under this subchapter during each grant cycle, consult with and receive recommendations regarding national need for expertise in foreign languages and world regions from the head officials of a wide range of Federal agencies.
The Secretary-
(A) may take into account the recommendations described in paragraph (1); and
(B) shall-
(i) provide information collected under paragraph (1) when requesting applications for funding under this subchapter; and
(ii) make available to applicants a list of areas identified as areas of national need.
The Secretary shall assist grantees in developing a survey to administer to students who have completed programs under this subchapter to determine postgraduate employment, education, or training. All grantees, where applicable, shall administer such survey once every two years and report survey results to the Secretary.
A prior section 1121,
Another prior section 1121,
Subsec. (a)(3).
Subsec. (b)(1)(D).
Subsecs. (c), (d).
Part effective Oct. 1, 1998, except as otherwise provided in