It is the sense of Congress that-
(1) all institutions offering postsecondary education should provide a full refund to students who are affected individuals for that portion of a period of instruction such student was unable to complete, or for which such individual did not receive academic credit, because he or she was called up for active duty or active service; and
(2) if affected individuals withdraw from a course of study as a result of such active duty or active service, such institutions should make every effort to minimize deferral of enrollment or reapplication requirements and should provide the greatest flexibility possible with administrative deadlines related to those applications.
For purposes of this section, a full refund includes a refund of required tuition and fees, or a credit in a comparable amount against future tuition and fees.
Section was formerly set out in a note under section 1070 of this title.
Section was enacted as part of the Higher Education Relief Opportunities for Students Act of 2003, and not as part of title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 which comprises this subchapter.