Each guaranty agency participating in a program under this part, working with the institutions of higher education served by such guaranty agency, shall develop and make available high-quality educational programs and materials to provide training for students and families in budgeting and financial management, including debt management and other aspects of financial literacy, such as the cost of using high interest loans to pay for postsecondary education, particularly as budgeting and financial management relates to student loan programs authorized by this subchapter. Such programs and materials shall be in formats that are simple and understandable to students and families, and shall be provided before, during, and after the students' enrollment in an institution of higher education. The activities described in this section shall be considered default reduction activities for the purposes of section 1072 of this title.
Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit-
(1) a guaranty agency from using existing activities, programs, and materials in meeting the requirements of this section;
(2) a guaranty agency from providing programs or materials similar to the programs or materials described in subsection (a) to an institution of higher education that provides loans exclusively through part D; or
(3) a lender or loan servicer from providing outreach or financial aid literacy information in accordance with subsection (a).
A prior section 1083a,