There is hereby established in the House of Representatives an office to be known as the "Office of Interparliamentary Affairs" (hereafter in this section referred to as the "Office").
The duties of the Office are as follows:
(1) To receive and respond to inquiries from foreign parliamentarians or foreign legislative bodies regarding official visits to the House of Representatives.
(2) To coordinate official visits to the House of Representatives by parliamentarians, officers, or employees of foreign legislative bodies.
(3) To coordinate with the Sergeant at Arms, the Clerk, and other officers of the House of Representatives in providing services for delegations of Members on official visits to foreign nations.
(4) To carry out other activities to-
(A) discharge and coordinate the activities and responsibilities of the House of Representatives in connection with participation in various interparliamentary exchanges and organizations;
(B) facilitate the interchange and reception in the United States of members of foreign legislative bodies and permanent officials of foreign governments; and
(C) enable the House to host meetings with senior government officials and other dignitaries in order to discuss matters relevant to United States relations with other nations.
The Office shall be headed by the Director of Interparliamentary Affairs of the House of Representatives (hereafter in this section referred to as the "Director"), who shall be appointed by the Speaker without regard to political affiliation and solely on the basis of fitness to perform the duties of the position. Any person so appointed shall serve at the pleasure of the Speaker.
The Director shall be paid at an annual rate determined by the Speaker.
With the approval of the Speaker, or in accordance with policies and procedures approved by the Speaker, the Director may appoint and set the pay of such other employees as may be necessary to carry out the functions of the Office. Any such appointment shall be made without regard to political affiliation and solely on the basis of fitness to perform the duties of the position. Any person so appointed may be removed by the Director with the approval of the Speaker, or in accordance with policies and procedures approved by the Speaker.
Any employee of the Office appointed under this subsection shall be paid at an annual rate determined by the Director with the approval of the Speaker or in accordance with policies approved by the Speaker.
There are authorized to be appropriated for fiscal year 2003 and each succeeding fiscal year such sums as may be necessary to carry out this section.
This section shall take effect on September 30, 2003.
Section was formerly classified to section 130–2 of this title prior to editorial reclassification and renumbering as this section.
Section is comprised of section 103 of
Section is from the Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, 2004.