Each standing committee of the Senate (other than the Committee on Appropriations) is authorized to appoint, by majority vote of the committee, not more than six professional staff members in addition to the clerical staffs. Such professional staff members shall be assigned to the chairman and the ranking minority member of such committee as the committee may deem advisable, except that whenever a majority of the minority members of such committee so request, two of such professional staff members may be selected for appointment by majority vote of the minority members and the committee shall appoint any staff members so selected. A staff member or members appointed pursuant to a request by the minority members of the committee shall be assigned to such committee business as such minority members deem advisable. Services of professional staff members appointed by majority vote of the committee may be terminated by a majority vote of the committee and services of professional staff members appointed pursuant to a request by the minority members of the committee shall be terminated by the committee when a majority of such minority members so request. Professional staff members authorized by this subsection shall be appointed on a permanent basis, without regard to political affiliation, and solely on the basis of fitness to perform the duties of their respective positions. Such professional staff members shall not engage in any work other than committee business and no other duties may be assigned to them.
Subject to appropriations which it shall be in order to include in appropriation bills, the Committee on Appropriations of each House is authorized to appoint such staff, in addition to the clerk thereof and assistants for the minority, as each such committee, by a majority vote, shall determine to be necessary, such personnel, other than the minority assistants, to possess such qualifications as the committees respectively may prescribe, and the Committee on Appropriations of the House also is authorized to conduct studies and examinations of the organization and operation of any executive agency (including any agency the majority of the stock of which is owned by the Government of the United States) as it may deem necessary to assist it in connection with the determination of matters within its jurisdiction and in accordance with procedures authorized by the committee by a majority vote, including the rights and powers conferred by House Resolution Numbered 50, adopted January 9, 1945.
The clerical staff of each standing committee of the Senate (other than the Committee on Appropriations), which shall be appointed by a majority vote of the committee, shall consist of not more than six clerks to be attached to the office of the chairman, to the ranking minority member, and to the professional staff, as the committee may deem advisable, except that whenever a majority of the minority members of such committee so requests, one of the members of the clerical staff may be selected for appointment by majority vote of such minority members and the committee shall appoint any staff member so selected. The clerical staff shall handle committee correspondence and stenographic work, both for the committee staff and for the chairman and ranking minority member on matters related to committee work, except that if a member of the clerical staff is appointed pursuant to a request by the minority members of the committee, such clerical staff member shall handle committee correspondence and stenographic work for the minority members of the committee and for any members of the committee staff appointed under subsection (a) pursuant to request by such minority members, on matters related to committee work. Services of clerical staff members appointed by majority vote of the committee may be terminated by majority vote of the committee and services of clerical staff members appointed pursuant to a request by the minority members of the committee shall be terminated by the committee when a majority of such minority members so request.
All committee hearings, records, data, charts, and files shall be kept separate and distinct from the congressional office records of the Member serving as chairman of the committee; and such records shall be the property of the Congress and all members of the committee and the respective Houses shall have access to such records. Each committee is authorized to have printed and bound such testimony and other data presented at hearings held by the committee.
No committee shall appoint to its staff any experts or other personnel detailed or assigned from any department or agency of the Government, except with the written permission of the Committee on Rules and Administration of the Senate or the Committee on House Oversight of the House of Representatives, as the case may be.
In any case in which a request for the appointment of a minority staff member under subsection (a) or subsection (c) is made at any time when no vacancy exists to which the appointment requested may be made-
(1) the person appointed pursuant to such a request under subsection (a) may serve in addition to any other professional staff members authorized by such subsection and may be paid from the contingent fund of the Senate until such time as such a vacancy occurs, at which time such person shall be considered to have been appointed to such vacancy; and
(2) the person appointed pursuant to such a request under subsection (c) may serve in addition to any other clerical staff members authorized by such subsection and may be paid, until otherwise provided, from the contingent fund of the Senate.
Staff members appointed pursuant to a request by minority members of a committee under subsection (a) or subsection (c), and staff members appointed to assist minority members of subcommittees pursuant to authority of Senate resolution, shall be accorded equitable treatment with respect to the fixing of salary rates, the assignment of facilities, and the accessibility of committee records.
(1) Each standing committee of the Senate or House of Representatives is authorized, with the approval of the Committee on Rules and Administration in the case of standing committees of the Senate, or the Committee on House Oversight in the case of standing committees of the House of Representatives, within the limits of funds made available from the contingent fund of the Senate or the applicable accounts of the House of Representatives pursuant to resolutions which, in the case of the Senate, shall specify the maximum amounts which may be used for such purpose, approved by the appropriate House, to procure the temporary services (not in excess of one year) or intermittent services of individual consultants, or organizations thereof, to make studies or advise the committee with respect to any matter within its jurisdiction or with respect to the administration of the affairs of the committee.
(2) Such services in the case of individuals or organizations may be procured by contract as independent contractors, or in the case of individuals by employment at daily rates of compensation not in excess of the per diem equivalent of the highest gross rate of compensation which may be paid to a regular employee of the committee. Such contracts shall not be subject to the provisions of section 6101 of title 41 or any other provision of law requiring advertising.
(3) With respect to the standing committees of the Senate, any such consultant or organization shall be selected by the chairman and ranking minority member of the committee, acting jointly. With respect to the standing committees of the House of Representatives, the standing committee concerned shall select any such consultant or organization. The committee shall submit to the Committee on Rules and Administration in the case of standing committees of the Senate, and the Committee on House Oversight in the case of standing committees of the House of Representatives, information bearing on the qualifications of each consultant whose services are procured pursuant to this subsection, including organizations, and such information shall be retained by that committee and shall be made available for public inspection upon request.
(1) Each standing committee of the Senate or House of Representatives is authorized, with the approval of the Committee on Rules and Administration in the case of standing committees of the Senate, and the committee involved in the case of standing committees of the House of Representatives, and within the limits of funds made available from the contingent fund of the Senate or the applicable accounts of the House of Representatives pursuant to resolutions, which, in the case of the Senate, shall specify the maximum amounts which may be used for such purpose, approved by the appropriate House, to provide assistance for members of its professional staff in obtaining specialized training, whenever that committee determines that such training will aid the committee in the discharge of its responsibilities. Any joint committee of the Congress whose expenses are paid out of funds disbursed by the Secretary of the Senate or by the Chief Administrative Officer of the House of Representatives, the Committee on Appropriations of the Senate, and the Majority Policy Committee and Minority Policy Committee of the Senate are each authorized to expend, for the purpose of providing assistance in accordance with paragraphs (2), (3), and (4) of this subsection for members of its staff in obtaining such training, any part of amounts appropriated to that committee.
(2) Such assistance may be in the form of continuance of pay during periods of training or grants of funds to pay tuition, fees, or such other expenses of training, or both, as may be approved by the Committee on Rules and Administration or the Committee on House Administration, as the case may be.
(3) A committee providing assistance under this subsection shall obtain from any employee receiving such assistance such agreement with respect to continued employment with the committee as the committee may deem necessary to assure that it will receive the benefits of such employee's services upon completion of his training.
(4) During any period for which an employee is separated from employment with a committee for the purpose of undergoing training under this subsection, such employee shall be considered to have performed service (in nonpay status) as an employee of the committee at the rate of compensation received immediately prior to commencing such training (including any increases in compensation provided by law during the period of training) for the purposes of-
(A) subchapter III (relating to civil service retirement) of chapter 83 of title 5,
(B) chapter 87 (relating to Federal employees group life insurance) of title 5, and
(C) chapter 89 (relating to Federal employees group health insurance) of title 5.
(Aug. 2, 1946, ch. 753, title II, §202,
Section was formerly classified to section 72a of this title prior to editorial reclassification and renumbering as this section.
In subsec. (i)(2), "section 6101 of title 41" substituted for "section 3709 of the Revised Statutes (41 U.S.C. 5)" on authority of
A former subsec. (k) authorized additional professional staff members and clerical employees for specific House committees. Committee staffs are now covered by the Rules of the House of Representatives. Former subsec. (k) was based on the following House resolutions which were enacted into permanent law:
Subsec. (k)(1) was based on House Resolution No. 172 of the Eighty-first Congress, which was enacted into permanent law by act June 22, 1949, ch. 235, §105,
Subsec. (k)(2) was based on House Resolution No. 37 of the Eighty-second Congress, which was enacted into permanent law by act Oct. 11, 1951, ch. 485, §105,
Subsec. (k)(3) was based on House Resolution No. 554 of the Eighty-third Congress, which was enacted into permanent law by act July 2, 1954, ch. 455, §103,
Subsec. (k)(4) was based on House Resolution No. 28 of the Eighty-fifth Congress, which was enacted into permanent law by
Subsec. (k)(5) was based on House Resolution No. 239 of the Eighty-fifth Congress, which was enacted into permanent law by
1997-Subsec. (j)(1).
1996-Subsec. (f).
Subsec. (i)(1).
Subsec. (i)(3).
Subsec. (j)(1).
1988-Subsec. (i)(1).
1971-Subsec. (g).
Subsec. (j)(1).
1970-Subsec. (a).
Subsec. (c).
Subsec. (e).
Subsec. (g).
Subsec. (h).
Subsec. (i).
Subsec. (j).
1964-Subsec. (e).
1958-Subsec. (e).
1955-Subsec. (e). Act Aug. 5, 1955, increased maximum basic annual compensation of professional staff and clerical staff from $8,000 to $8,820.
1949-Subsec. (g). Act Feb. 24, 1949, struck out subsec. (g) which declared any individual employed as a professional staff member of any committee as provided in this section ineligible for appointment to any office or position in the executive branch for a period of one year after ceasing to be such a member.
1947-Subsec. (e). Act July 30, 1947, omitted figure $2,000 as lowest salary to be paid clerks.
Committee on House Oversight of House of Representatives changed to Committee on House Administration of House of Representatives by House Resolution No. 5, One Hundred Sixth Congress, Jan. 6, 1999.
Amendment by
"The foregoing provisions of this Act [see Tables for classification] shall take effect as follows:
"(1) Title I, title II (except part 2 thereof), title III (except section 203(d)(2), (d)(3), and (i) of the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946 [see Tables for classification], as amended by section 321 of this Act, and section 105(e) and (f) of the Legislative Branch Appropriation Act, 1968 [see Tables for classification], as amended by section 305 of this Act), and title IV, of this Act shall become effective immediately prior to noon on January 3, 1971.
"(2) Part 2 of title II shall be effective with respect to fiscal years beginning on or after July 1, 1972.
"(3) Section 203(d)(2) and (3) of the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946, as amended by section 321 of this Act, shall become effective at the close of the first session of the Ninety-second Congress.
"(4) Section 203(i) of the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946, as amended by section 321 of this Act, shall be effective with respect to fiscal years beginning on or after July 1, 1970.
"(5) Title V of this Act shall become effective on the date of enactment of this Act [Oct. 26, 1970].
"(6) Section 105(e) and (f) of the Legislative Branch Appropriation Act, 1968, as amended by section 305 of this Act shall become effective on January 1, 1971."
Amendment by
Amendment by
Amendment by act Aug. 5, 1955, effective Aug. 1, 1955, see section 14 of that act.
Act Aug. 2, 1946, ch. 753, title II, §245,
Act Aug. 2, 1946, ch. 753, §1(a),
Section 2(a) of S. Res. 274, Ninety-sixth Congress, Nov. 14, 1979, provided in part that, until otherwise provided by law or resolution of the Senate, the provisions of subsections (a) through (h) of this section shall not apply to committees of the Senate.
Section 2(d) of Senate Resolution 281, Ninety-sixth Congress, approved March 11, 1980, provided that effective February 28, 1981, the additional clerical staff positions established by subsection (g) of this section (as in effect for committees of the Senate prior to November 14, 1979) are abolished.
"(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, or any rule, regulation, or other authority, travel for studies and examinations under section 202(b) of the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946 (2 U.S.C. 72a(b)) [now 2 U.S.C. 4301(b)] shall be governed by applicable laws or regulations of the House of Representatives or as promulgated from time to time by the Chairman of the Committee on Appropriations of the House of Representatives.
"(b) Subsection (a) shall take effect on the date of the enactment of this Act [Nov. 19, 1995] and shall apply to travel performed on or after that date."
"(1) to require a reduction in-
"(A) the number of staff members authorized, prior to January 1, 1971, to be employed by any committee of the Senate, by statute or by annual or permanent resolution, or
"(B) the number of such staff members on such date assigned to, or authorized to be selected for appointment by or with the approval of, the minority members of any such committee; or
"(2) to authorize the selection for appointment of staff members by the minority members of a committee in any case in which two or more professional staff members or one or more clerical staff members, as the case may be, who are satisfactory to a majority of such minority members, are otherwise assigned to assist such minority members."
Increases in compensation for Senate and House officers and employees under authority of Federal Salary Act of 1967 (
Act Aug. 2, 1946, ch. 753, title I, §§102, 121,
S. Res. 243, One Hundredth Congress, July 1, 1987, provided: "That (a) there is established, within the Office of the Secretary of the Senate (hereinafter referred to as the 'Secretary'), the Office of Senate Security (hereinafter referred to as the 'Office'), which shall be headed by a Director of Senate Security (hereinafter referred to as the 'Director'). The Office shall be under the policy direction of the Majority and Minority Leaders of the Senate, and shall be under the administrative direction and supervision of the Secretary.
"(b)(1) The Director shall be appointed by the Secretary after consultation with the Majority and Minority Leaders. The Secretary shall fix the compensation of the Director. Any appointment under this subsection shall be made solely on the basis of fitness to perform the duties of the position and without regard to political affiliation.
"(2) The Director, with the approval of the Secretary, and after consultation with the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Committee on Rules and Administration of the Senate, may establish such policies and procedures as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this resolution. Commencing one year from the effective date of this resolution, the Director shall submit an annual report to the Majority and Minority Leaders and the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Committee on Rules and Administration on the status of security matters and the handling of classified information in the Senate, and the progress of the Office in achieving the mandates of this resolution.
"(b) The Majority and Minority Leaders of the Senate may each designate a Majority staff assistant and a Minority staff assistant to serve as their liaisons to the Office. Upon such designation, the Secretary shall appoint and fix the compensation of the Majority and Minority liaison assistants.
"(1) the receipt, control, transmission, storage, destruction or other handling of classified information addressed to the United States Senate, the President of the Senate, or Members and employees of the Senate;
"(2) the processing of security clearance requests and renewals for officers and employees of the Senate;
"(3) establishing and maintaining a current and centralized record of security clearances held by officers and employees of the Senate, and developing recommendations for reducing the number of clearances held by such employees;
"(4) consulting and presenting briefings on security matters and the handling of classified information for the benefit of Members and employees of the Senate;
"(5) maintaining an active liaison on behalf of the Senate, or any committee thereof, with all departments and agencies of the United States on security matters; and
"(6) conducting periodic review of the practices and procedures employed by all offices of the Senate for the handling of classified information.
"(b) Within 180 days after the Director takes office, he shall develop, after consultation with the Secretary, a Senate Security Manual, to be printed and distributed to all Senate offices. The Senate Security Manual will prescribe the policies and procedures of the Office, and set forth regulations for all other Senate offices for the handling of classified information.
"(c) Within 90 days after taking office, the Director shall conduct a survey to determine the number of officers and employees of the Senate that have security clearances and report the findings of the survey to the Majority and Minority Leaders and Secretary of the Senate together with recommendations regarding the feasibility of reducing the number of employees with such clearances.
"(d) The Office shall have authority-
"(1) to provide appropriate facilities in the United States Capitol for hearings of committees of the Senate at which restricted data or other classified information is to be presented or discussed;
"(2) to establish and operate a central repository in the United States Capitol for the safeguarding of classified information for which the Office is responsible; which shall include the classified records, transcripts, and materials of all closed sessions of the Senate; and
"(3) to administer and maintain oaths of secrecy under paragraph (2) of rule XXIX of the Standing Rules of the Senate and to establish such procedures as may be necessary to implement the provisions of such paragraph.
"(b) This resolution shall take effect on July 11, 1987."
S. Res. 229, One Hundredth Congress, June 5, 1987, established within the Office of the Secretary of the Senate an Interim Office of Senate Security with the same duties, functions, personnel, rooms, and facilities as the former Office of Classified National Security Information.
Act Aug. 2, 1946, ch. 753, title II, §244,