In this subchapter:
The term "contaminant" means any physical, chemical, biological, or radiological substance or matter in water.
The terms "contaminant of emerging concern" and "emerging contaminant" mean a contaminant-
(A) for which the Administrator has not promulgated a national primary drinking water regulation; and
(B) that may have an adverse effect on the health of individuals.
The term "Federal research strategy" means the coordinated cross-agency plan for addressing critical research gaps related to detecting, assessing exposure to, and identifying the adverse health effects of emerging contaminants in drinking water developed by the Office of Science and Technology Policy in response to the report of the Committee on Appropriations of the Senate accompanying S. 1662 of the 115th Congress (S. Rept. 115–139).
The term "technical assistance and support" includes-
(A) assistance with-
(i) identifying appropriate analytical methods for the detection of contaminants;
(ii) understanding the strengths and limitations of the analytical methods described in clause (i);
(iii) troubleshooting the analytical methods described in clause (i);
(B) providing advice on laboratory certification program elements;
(C) interpreting sample analysis results;
(D) providing training with respect to proper analytical techniques;
(E) identifying appropriate technology for the treatment of contaminants; and
(F) analyzing samples, if-
(i) the analysis cannot be otherwise 1 obtained in a practicable manner otherwise; 1 and
(ii) the capability and capacity to perform the analysis is available at a Federal facility.
The term "Working Group" means the Working Group established under section 8952(b)(1) of this title.
S. 1662 of the 115th Congress, referred to in par. (3), is the Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2018, which became div. B of