The Administrator of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration may, in accordance with section 6002 of this title, make grants to States, political subdivisions of States, and nonprofit organizations for programs that require or encourage individuals under the age of 16 to wear approved bicycle helmets. In making those grants, the Administrator shall allow grantees to use wide discretion in designing programs that effectively promote increased bicycle helmet use.
The amount provided by a grant under this section shall not exceed 80 percent of the cost of the program for which the grant is made. In crediting the recipient State, political subdivision, or nonprofit organization for the non-Federal share of the cost of such a program (other than planning and administration), the aggregate of all expenditures made by such State, political subdivision, or nonprofit organization (exclusive of Federal funds) for the purposes described in section 6002 of this title (other than expenditures for planning and administration) shall be available for such crediting, without regard to whether such expenditures were actually made in connection with such program.