Within 360 days after October 22, 1986, the Administrator shall conduct and submit to the Congress the results of a study which shall-
(1) assess the extent to which asbestos-containing materials are present in public and commercial buildings;
(2) assess the condition of asbestos-containing material in commercial buildings and the likelihood that persons occupying such buildings, including service and maintenance personnel, are, or may be, exposed to asbestos fibers;
(3) consider and report on whether public and commercial buildings should be subject to the same inspection and response action requirements that apply to school buildings;
(4) assess whether existing Federal regulations adequately protect the general public, particularly abatement personnel, from exposure to asbestos during renovation and demolition of such buildings; and
(5) include recommendations that explicitly address whether there is a need to establish standards for, and regulate asbestos exposure in, public and commercial buildings.