Transfer date
USC 12
Banks And Banking
Transfer of Powers and Duties
- Transfer date
§5411. Transfer date
(a) Transfer date
Except as provided in subsection (b), the term "transfer date" means the date that is 1 year after July 21, 2010.
(b) Extension permitted
(1) Notice required
The Secretary, in consultation with the Comptroller of the Currency, the Director of the Office of Thrift Supervision, the Chairman of the Board of Governors, and the Chairperson of the Corporation, may extend the period under subsection (a) and designate a transfer date that is not later than 18 months after July 21, 2010, if the Secretary transmits to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Financial Services of the House of Representatives-
(A) a written determination that commencement of the orderly process to implement this title 1 is not feasible by the date that is 1 year after July 21, 2010;
(B) an explanation of why an extension is necessary to commence the process of orderly implementation of this title; 1
(C) the transfer date designated under this subsection; and
(D) a description of the steps that will be taken to initiate the process of an orderly and timely implementation of this title 1 within the extended time period.
(2) Publication of notice
Not later than 270 days after July 21, 2010, the Secretary shall publish in the Federal Register notice of any transfer date designated under paragraph (1).
Pub. L. 111–203, title III, §311, July 21, 2010, 124 Stat. 1520
References in Text
This title, referred to in subsec. (b)(1)(A), (B), (D), is title III of
Pub. L. 111–203, July 21, 2010, 124 Stat. 1520
, known as the Enhancing Financial Institution Safety and Soundness Act of 2010, which enacted this subchapter and sections 4b and 16 of this title, amended sections 1, 11, 248, 461, 481, 482, 1438, 1462, 1462a, 1463, to 1464, 1466a, 1467, 1467a, 1468, 1468a, to 1468b, 1470, 1701c, 1701p–1, 1708, 1757, 1785, 1786, 1787, 1812, 1813, 1817, 1818, 1820, 1821, 1823, 1828, 1829, 1831e, 1831j, 1833b, 1833e, 1834, 1841, 1843, 1844, 1861, 1867, 1881, 1882, 1884, 1972, 2709, 2902, 2905, 3206 to 3208, 3332, 4515, and 4517 of this title, section 906 of Title 2, The Congress, sections 78c, 78l, 78o–5, and 78w of Title 15, Commerce and Trade, sections 212, 657, 981, 982, 1006, 1014, and 1032 of Title 18, Crimes and Criminal Procedure, sections 321 and 714 of Title 31, Money and Finance, section 41501 of Title 34, Crime Control and Law Enforcement, sections 4003 and 8105 of Title 42, The Public Health and Welfare, and section 3502 of Title 44, Public Printing and Documents, repealed section 1441a of this title, enacted provisions set out as notes under sections 1, 16, 1438, 1787, 1812, 1817, and 1821 of this title and section 906 of Title 2, and amended provisions set out as notes under sections 1437, 1463, 1464, 1467a, 1707, 1812, and 1818 of this title. For complete classification of title III to the Code, see Short title note set out under section 5301 of this title and Tables.
Effective Date
Section effective 1 day after July 21, 2010, except as otherwise provided, see section 4 of Pub. L. 111–203, set out as a note under section 5301 of this title.
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