(1) To provide for effective coordination in the preparation of Department of Defense personnel and other United States Government personnel for complex operations.
(2) To foster unity of effort during complex operations among-
(A) the departments and agencies of the United States Government;
(B) foreign governments and militaries;
(C) international organizations and international nongovernmental organizations; and
(D) domestic nongovernmental organizations.
(3) To conduct research; collect, analyze, and distribute lessons learned; and compile best practices in matters relating to complex operations.
(4) To identify gaps in the education and training of Department of Defense personnel, and other relevant United States Government personnel, relating to complex operations, and to facilitate efforts to fill such gaps.
(1) provide to the Secretary of Defense services, including personnel support, to support the operations of the Center; and
(2) transfer funds to the Secretary of Defense to support the operations of the Center.
(2) The sources specified in this paragraph are the following:
(A) The government of a State or a political subdivision of a State.
(B) The government of a foreign country.
(C) A foundation or other charitable organization, including a foundation or charitable organization that is organized or operates under the laws of a foreign country.
(D) Any source in the private sector of the United States or a foreign country.
(3) The Secretary may not accept a gift or donation under this subsection if acceptance of the gift or donation would compromise or appear to compromise-
(A) the ability of the Department of Defense, any employee of the Department, or any member of the armed forces to carry out the responsibility or duty of the Department in a fair and objective manner; or
(B) the integrity of any program of the Department or of any person involved in such a program.
(4) The Secretary shall provide written guidance setting forth the criteria to be used in determining the applicability of paragraph (3) to any proposed gift or donation under this subsection.
(1) The term "complex operation" means an operation as follows:
(A) A stability operation.
(B) A security operation.
(C) A transition and reconstruction operation.
(D) A counterinsurgency operation.
(E) An operation consisting of irregular warfare.
(2) The term "gift or donation" means any gift or donation of funds, materials (including research materials), real or personal property, or services (including lecture services and faculty services).