(2) Under the Program, the defense laboratories, in coordination with the Office of Technology Transfer in the Office of the Secretary of Defense, shall carry out cooperative activities with private industry in order to promote (by the use or exchange of patents, licenses, cooperative research and development agreements and other cooperative agreements, and the use of symposia, meetings, and other similar mechanisms) the transfer of defense or dual-use technologies from the defense laboratories to private industry, and the development and application of such technologies by the defense laboratories and private industry, for the purpose of the commercial utilization of such technologies by private industry.
(3) The Secretary of Defense shall develop and annually update a plan for each defense laboratory that participates in the Program under which plan the laboratory shall carry out cooperative activities with private industry to promote the transfers described in subsection (b).
(4) In this subsection, the term "defense laboratory" means any laboratory owned or operated by the Department of Defense that carries out research in fiscal year 1993 in an amount in excess of $50,000,000.
A prior section 2514, added
Provisions similar to those in subsecs. (a) and (b) of this section were contained in section 2363 of this title prior to repeal by
1996-Subsec. (c)(5).
Superconductivity research and development activities by Secretary of Defense and by Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, see section 5207 of Title 15, Commerce and Trade.
"(1)(A) The laboratory director shall pay each year the first $2,000, and thereafter at least 20 percent, of the royalties or other payments, other than payments of patent costs as delineated by a license or assignment agreement, to the inventor or coinventors, if the inventor's or coinventor's rights are directly assigned to the United States.
"(B) A laboratory director may provide appropriate incentives, from royalties or other payments, to laboratory employees who are not an inventor of such inventions but who substantially increased the technical value of the inventions.
"(C) The laboratory shall retain the royalties and other payments received from an invention until the laboratory makes payments to employees of a laboratory under subparagraph (A) or (B).
"(2) The balance of the royalties or other payments shall be transferred by the agency to its laboratories, with the majority share of the royalties or other payments from any invention going to the laboratory where the invention occurred. The royalties or other payments so transferred to any laboratory may be used or obligated by that laboratory during the fiscal year in which they are received or during the 2 succeeding fiscal years-
"(A) to reward scientific, engineering, and technical employees of the laboratory, including developers of sensitive or classified technology, regardless of whether the technology has commercial applications;
"(B) to further scientific exchange among the laboratories of the agency;
"(C) for education and training of employees consistent with the research and development missions and objectives of the agency or laboratory, and for other activities that increase the potential for transfer of the technology of the laboratories of the agency;
"(D) for payment of expenses incidental to the administration and licensing of intellectual property by the agency or laboratory with respect to inventions made at that laboratory, including the fees or other costs for the services of other agencies, persons, or organizations for intellectual property management and licensing services; or
"(E) for scientific research and development consistent with the research and development missions and objectives of the laboratory.
"(3) All royalties or other payments retained by the laboratory after payments have been made pursuant to paragraphs (1) and (2) that are unobligated and unexpended at the end of the second fiscal year succeeding the fiscal year in which the royalties and other payments were received shall be paid into the Treasury of the United States.
"(B) Cumulative payments made under the pilot program after the inventor leaves the laboratory shall not exceed $150,000 per year to any one person, unless the head of the agency approves a larger award (with the excess over $150,000 being treated as an agency award to a former employee under section 4505 of title 5, United States Code).
"(1) by a contractor, grantee, or participant, or an employee of a contractor, grantee, or participant, in an agreement or other arrangement with the agency; or
"(2) by an employee of the agency who was not working in the laboratory at the time the invention was made,
the agency unit that was involved in such assignment shall be considered to be a laboratory for purposes of this section.
"(1) The term 'military department' has the meaning provided in section 101 of title 10, United States Code.
"(2) The term 'DOD laboratory' or 'laboratory' means any facility or group of facilities that-
"(A) is owned, leased, operated, or otherwise used by the Department of Defense; and
"(B) meets the definition of 'laboratory' as provided in subsection (d)(2) of section 12 of the Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act of 1980 (15 U.S.C. 3710a).
"(A) the computer software and related documentation would be a trade secret under the meaning of section 552(b)(4) of title 5, United States Code, if the information had been obtained from a non-Federal party;
"(B) the public is notified of the availability of the software and related documentation for licensing and interested parties have a fair opportunity to submit applications for licensing;
"(C) such licensing activities and licenses comply with the requirements under section 209 of title 35, United States Code; and
"(D) the software originally was developed to meet the military needs of the Department of Defense.
"(A)(i) The Department of Defense or the military department shall pay each year the first $2,000, and thereafter at least 15 percent, of the royalties or other payments, to be divided among the employees who developed the computer software.
"(ii) The Department of Defense or the military department may provide appropriate lesser incentives, from the royalties or other payments, to laboratory employees who are not developers of such computer software but who substantially increased the technical value of the software.
"(iii) The Department of Defense or the military department shall retain the royalties and other payments received until it makes payments to employees of a DOD laboratory under clause (i) or (ii).
"(iv) The Department of Defense or the military department may retain an amount reasonably necessary to pay expenses incidental to the administration and distribution of royalties or other payments under this section by an organizational unit of the Department of Defense or military department other than its laboratories.
"(B) The balance of the royalties or other payments shall be transferred by the Department of Defense or the military department to its laboratories, with the majority share of the royalties or other payments going to the laboratory where the development occurred. The royalties or other payments so transferred to any DOD laboratory may be used or obligated by that laboratory during the fiscal year in which they are received or during the 2 succeeding fiscal years-
"(i) to reward scientific, engineering, and technical employees of the DOD laboratory, including developers of sensitive or classified technology, regardless of whether the technology has commercial applications;
"(ii) to further scientific exchange among the laboratories of the agency;
"(iii) for education and training of employees consistent with the research and development missions and objectives of the Department of Defense, military department, or DOD laboratory, and for other activities that increase the potential for transfer of the technology of the DOD laboratory;
"(iv) for payment of expenses incidental to the administration and licensing of computer software or other intellectual property made at the DOD laboratory, including the fees or other costs for the services of other agencies, persons, or organizations for intellectual property management and licensing services; or
"(v) for scientific research and development consistent with the research and development missions and objectives of the DOD laboratory.
"(C) All royalties or other payments retained by the Department of Defense, military department, or DOD laboratory after payments have been made pursuant to subparagraphs (A) and (B) that are unobligated and unexpended at the end of the second fiscal year succeeding the fiscal year in which the royalties and other payments were received shall be paid into the Treasury of the United States.
"(1) The Secretary of Defense, acting through the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics, shall take appropriate action to ensure that high-temperature superconductivity technology resulting from the research activities of the Department of Defense is transferred to the private sector. Such transfer shall be made in accordance with section 10(e) of the Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act of 1980 (15 U.S.C. 3710(e)), other applicable provisions of law, and Executive Order Number 12591, dated April 10, 1987 [set out as a note under 15 U.S.C. 3710].
"(2) The Secretary of Energy, in consultation with the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics, shall ensure that the national laboratories of the Department of Energy participate, to the maximum appropriate extent, in the transfer to the private sector of technology developed under the Department of Defense superconductivity program in the national laboratories."