(1) The amount for personal protection equipment included in both the base budget of the President and any overseas contingency operations budget of the President.
(2) A brief description of each category of personal protection equipment for each military department planned to be procured and developed.
(3) For each category planned to be procured using funds made available for operation and maintenance (whether under the base budget or any overseas contingency operations budget)-
(A) the relevant appropriations account, budget activity, and subactivity group for the category; and
(B) the funding profile for the fiscal year as requested, including cost and quantities, and an estimate of projected investments or procurements for each of the subsequent five fiscal years.
(4) For each category planned to be developed using funds made available for research, development, test, and evaluation (whether under the base budget or any overseas contingency operations budget)-
(A) the relevant appropriations account, program, project or activity; program element number, and line number; and
(B) the funding profile for the fiscal year as requested and an estimate of projected investments for each of the subsequent five fiscal years.
(1) The terms "budget" and "defense budget materials" have the meaning given those terms in section 234 of this title.
(2) The term "category of personal protection equipment" means the following:
(A) Body armor components.
(B) Combat helmets.
(C) Combat protective eyewear.
(D) Other items as determined appropriate by the Secretary.