(A) each program element of the ballistic missile defense system, as specified in section 223 of this title; and
(B) each designated major subprogram of such program elements.
(2) The Director shall establish an acquisition baseline required by paragraph (1) before the date on which the program element or major subprogram enters-
(A) engineering and manufacturing development (or its equivalent); and
(B) production and deployment.
(3) Except as provided by subsection (d), the Director may not adjust or revise an acquisition baseline established under this section.
(1) A comprehensive schedule, including-
(A) research and development milestones;
(B) acquisition milestones, including design reviews and key decision points;
(C) key test events, including ground and flight tests and ballistic missile defense system tests;
(D) delivery and fielding schedules;
(E) quantities of assets planned for acquisition and delivery in total and by fiscal year; and
(F) planned contract award dates.
(2) A detailed technical description of-
(A) the capability to be developed, including hardware and software;
(B) system requirements, including performance requirements;
(C) how the proposed capability satisfies a capability identified by the commanders of the combatant commands on a prioritized capabilities list;
(D) key knowledge points that must be achieved to permit continuation of the program and to inform production and deployment decisions; and
(E) how the Director plans to improve the capability over time.
(3) A cost estimate, including-
(A) a life-cycle cost estimate that separately identifies the costs regarding research and development, procurement, military construction, operations and sustainment, and disposal;
(B) program acquisition unit costs for the program element;
(C) average procurement unit costs and program acquisition costs for the program element; and
(D) an identification of when the document regarding the program joint cost analysis requirements description is scheduled to be approved.
(4) A test baseline summarizing the comprehensive test program for the program element or major subprogram outlined in the integrated master test plan.
(2)(A) The first report under paragraph (1) shall set forth each acquisition baseline required by subsection (a) for a program element or major subprogram.
(B) Each subsequent report under paragraph (1) shall include-
(i) any new acquisition baselines required by subsection (a) for a program element or major subprogram; and
(ii) with respect to an acquisition baseline that was previously included in a report under paragraph (1), an identification of any changes or variances made to the elements described in subsection (b) for such acquisition baseline, as compared to-
(I) the initial acquisition baseline for such program element or major subprogram; and
(II) the acquisition baseline for such program element or major subprogram that was submitted in the report during the previous year.
(3) Each report under this subsection shall be submitted in unclassified form, but may include a classified annex.
(1) a justification for such adjustment or revision;
(2) the specific adjustments or revisions made to the acquisition baseline, including to the elements described in subsection (b); and
(3) the effective date of the adjusted or revised acquisition baseline.
(1) all of the operations and sustainment costs for which the Director is responsible; and
(2) a description of the operations and sustainment functions and costs for which a military department is responsible.
2013-Subsec. (e).
For termination, effective Dec. 31, 2021, of provisions in subsec. (c) of this section requiring submittal of annual report to Congress, see section 1061 of