(a) In this section:
(1) The term "nonappropriated fund instrumentality employee" means a civilian employee who is paid from nonappropriated funds of Army and Air Force Exchange Service, Navy Exchange Service Command, Marine Corps exchanges, or any other instrumentality of the United States under the jurisdiction of the armed forces which is conducted for the comfort, pleasure, contentment, or physical or mental improvement of members of the armed forces. Such term includes a civilian employee of a support organization within the Department of Defense or a military department, such as the Defense Finance and Accounting Service, who is paid from nonappropriated funds on account of the nature of the employee's duties.
(2) The term "civilian employee" has the meaning given the term "employee" by section 2105(a) of title 5.
(3) The term "personnel action", with respect to a nonappropriated fund instrumentality employee (or an applicant for a position as such an employee), means-
(A) an appointment;
(B) a promotion;
(C) a disciplinary or corrective action;
(D) a detail, transfer, or reassignment;
(E) a reinstatement, restoration, or reemployment;
(F) a decision concerning pay, benefits, or awards, or concerning education or training if the education or training may reasonably be expected to lead to an appointment, promotion, or other action described in this paragraph; and
(G) any other significant change in duties or responsibilities that is inconsistent with the employee's salary or grade level.
(b) Any civilian employee or member of the armed forces who has authority to take, direct others to take, recommend, or approve any personnel action shall not, with respect to such authority, take or fail to take, or threaten to take or fail to take, a personnel action with respect to any nonappropriated fund instrumentality employee (or any applicant for a position as such an employee) as a reprisal for-
(1) a disclosure of information by such an employee or applicant which the employee or applicant reasonably believes evidences-
(A) a violation of any law, rule, or regulation; or
(B) mismanagement, a gross waste of funds, an abuse of authority, or a substantial and specific danger to public health or safety;
if such disclosure is not specifically prohibited by law and if the information is not specifically required by or pursuant to executive order to be kept secret in the interest of national defense or the conduct of foreign affairs; or
(2) a disclosure by such an employee or applicant to any civilian employee or member of the armed forces designated by law or by the Secretary of Defense to receive disclosures described in clause (1), of information which the employee or applicant reasonably believes evidences-
(A) a violation of any law, rule, or regulation; or
(B) mismanagement, a gross waste of funds, an abuse of authority, or a substantial and specific danger to public health or safety.
(c) This section does not apply to an employee in a position excluded from the coverage of this section by the President based upon a determination by the President that the exclusion is necessary and warranted by conditions of good administration.
(d) The Secretary of Defense shall be responsible for the prevention of actions prohibited by subsection (b) and for the correction of any such actions that are taken. The authority of the Secretary to correct such actions may not be delegated to the Secretary of a military department or to the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Manpower and Logistics.
(e) The Secretary of Defense, after consultation with the Director of the Office of Personnel Management and the Special Counsel of the Merit Systems Protection Board, shall prescribe regulations to carry out this section. Such regulations shall include provisions to protect the confidentiality of employees and applicants making disclosures described in clauses (1) and (2) of subsection (b) and to permit the reporting of alleged violations of subsection (b) directly to the Inspector General of the Department of Defense.
2013-Subsec. (b).
Subsec. (a)(1).
Subsec. (d).
Subsec. (e).
1987-Subsec. (a).
"(1) September 30, 1997; or
"(2) the date on which the employee otherwise ceases to be eligible for such an allowance under such other authority.
"(2) Paragraph (1) shall not be construed to exempt the Nonappropriated Fund Uniform Health Benefits Program of the Department of Defense, or any carrier or underwriting or plan administration contractor of the Program from the imposition, payment, or collection of a tax, fee, or other monetary payment on the net income or profit accruing to, or realized by, the Program or by such carrier or contractor from business conducted under the Program, so long as the tax, fee, or payment is applicable to a broad range of business activity.
"(3) In this subsection, the term 'State' means each of the several States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the United States Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and any political subdivision or other non-Federal authority thereof."