(a) The Secretary of each military department shall assign to the staff of the service review agency of that military department at least one attorney and at least one physician. Such assignments shall be made on a permanent, full-time basis and may be made from members of the armed forces or civilian employees.
(b) Personnel assigned pursuant to subsection (a)-
(1) shall work under the supervision of the director or executive director (as the case may be) of the service review agency; and
(2) shall be assigned duties as advisers to the director or executive director or other staff members on legal and medical matters, respectively, that are being considered by the agency.
(c) In this section, the term "service review agency" means-
(1) with respect to the Department of the Army, the Army Review Boards Agency;
(2) with respect to the Department of the Navy, the Navy Council of Personnel Boards and the Board for Correction of Naval Records; and
(3) with respect to the Department of the Air Force, the Air Force Review Boards Agency.
1999-Subsec. (c)(2).