(A) provision and delivery of health care within each such facility;
(B) management of privileging, scope of practice, and quality of health care provided within each such facility;
(C) budgetary matters;
(D) information technology;
(E) health care administration and management;
(F) supply and equipment;
(G) administrative policy and procedure;
(H) military medical construction; and
(I) any other matters the Secretary of Defense determines appropriate.
(2) In addition to the responsibilities set forth in paragraph (1), the Director of the Defense Health Agency shall, commencing when the Director begins to exercise responsibilities under that paragraph, have the authority-
(A) to direct, control, and serve as the primary rater of the performance of commanders or directors of military medical treatment facilities;
(B) to direct and control any intermediary organizations between the Defense Health Agency and military medical treatment facilities;
(C) to determine the scope of medical care provided at each military medical treatment facility to meet the military personnel readiness requirements of the senior military operational commander of the military installation;
(D) to identify the capacity of each military medical treatment facility to support clinical readiness standards of health care providers established by the Secretary of a military department or the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs;
(E) to determine total workforce requirements at each military medical treatment facility;
(F) to determine, in coordination with each Secretary of a military department, manning, including joint manning, assigned to military medical treatment facilities and intermediary organizations;
(G) to select, after considering nominations from the Secretaries of the military departments, commanders or directors of military medical treatment facilities;
(H) to address personnel staffing shortages at military medical treatment facilities; and
(I) to select among service nominations for commanders or directors of military medical treatment facilities.
(3) The military commander or director of each military medical treatment facility shall be responsible for-
(A) on behalf of the military departments, ensuring the readiness of the members of the armed forces at such facility; and
(B) on behalf of the Defense Health Agency, furnishing the health care and medical treatment provided at such facility.
[(4) Redesignated (5)]
(5) The Secretary of Defense shall establish a timeline to ensure that each Secretary of a military department transitions the administration of military medical treatment facilities from such Secretary to the Director of the Defense Health Agency pursuant to paragraph (1) by the date specified in such paragraph.
(6) 1 The Secretary of Defense shall establish within the Defense Health Agency a professional staff to provide policy, oversight, and direction to carry out paragraphs (1) and (2). The Secretary shall carry out this paragraph by appointing the positions specified in subsections (b) and (c).
(6) 1 If the Secretary of Defense determines it appropriate, a military director (or any other senior military officer or officers) of a military medical treatment facility may be a commanding officer for purposes of chapter 47 of this title (the Uniform Code of Military Justice) with respect to military personnel assigned to the military medical treatment facility.
(A) be a career appointee within the Department; and
(B) report directly to the Director of the Defense Health Agency.
(2) The Assistant Director shall be appointed from among individuals who have the education and experience to perform the responsibilities of the position.
(3) The Assistant Director shall be responsible for the following:
(A) Establishing priorities for health care administration and management.
(B) Establishing policies, procedures, and direction for the provision of direct care at military medical treatment facilities.
(C) Establishing priorities for budgeting matters with respect to the provision of direct care at military medical treatment facilities.
(D) Establishing policies, procedures, and direction for clinic management and operations at military medical treatment facilities.
(E) Establishing priorities for information technology at and between the military medical treatment facilities.
(B) The Deputy Assistant Director for Information Operations shall be responsible for policies, management, and execution of information technology operations at and between the military medical treatment facilities.
(2)(A) There is in the Defense Health Agency a Deputy Assistant Director for Financial Operations.
(B) The Deputy Assistant Director for Financial Operations shall be responsible for the policy, procedures, and direction of budgeting matters and financial management with respect to the provision of direct care at military medical treatment facilities.
(3)(A) There is in the Defense Health Agency a Deputy Assistant Director for Health Care Operations.
(B) The Deputy Assistant Director for Health Care Operations shall be responsible for the policy, procedures, and direction of health care administration in the military medical treatment facilities.
(4)(A) There is in the Defense Health Agency a Deputy Assistant Director for Medical Affairs.
(B) The Deputy Assistant Director for Medical Affairs shall be responsible for policy, procedures, and direction of clinical quality and process improvement, patient safety, infection control, graduate medical education, clinical integration, utilization review, risk management, patient experience, and civilian physician recruiting at military medical treatment facilities.
(5) Each Deputy Assistant Director appointed under paragraphs (1) through (4) shall report directly to the Assistant Director for Health Care Administration.
(2) The responsibilities of the Director shall include the following:
(A) Ensuring that the Defense Health Agency meets the operational needs of the commanders of the combatant commands.
(B) Coordinating with the military departments to ensure that the staffing at the military medical treatment facilities supports readiness requirements for members of the armed forces and health care personnel.
(C) Ensuring that the Defense Health Agency meets the military medical readiness requirements of the senior military operational commanders of the military installations.
(1) A subordinate organization, to be called the Defense Health Agency Research and Development-
(A) led, at the election of the Director, by a director or commander (to be called the Director or Commander of Defense Health Agency Research and Development);
(B) comprised of the Army Medical Research and Materiel Command and such other medical research organizations and activities of the armed forces as the Secretary considers appropriate; and
(C) responsible for coordinating funding for Defense Health Program Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation, the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program, and related Department of Defense medical research.
(2) A subordinate organization, to be called the Defense Health Agency Public Health-
(A) led, at the election of the Director, by a director or commander (to be called the Director or Commander of Defense Health Agency Public Health); and
(B) comprised of the Army Public Health Command, the Navy–Marine Corps Public Health Command, Air Force public health programs, and any other related defense health activities that the Secretary considers appropriate, including overseas laboratories focused on preventive medicine, environmental health, and similar matters.
(1) the Department of Defense shall be considered a single agency for purposes of civilian personnel assignment under title 5; and
(2) the Secretary of Defense may reassign any employee of a component of the Department of Defense or a military department in a position in the civil service (as defined in section 2101 of title 5) to any other component of the Department of Defense or military department.
(1) The term "career appointee" has the meaning given that term in section 3132(a)(4) of title 5.
(2) The term "Defense Health Agency" means the Defense Agency established pursuant to Department of Defense Directive 5136.13, or such successor Defense Agency.
(3) The term "military medical treatment facility" means-
(A) any fixed facility of the Department of Defense that is outside of a deployed environment and used primarily for health care; and
(B) any other location used for purposes of providing health care services as designated by the Secretary of Defense.
2019-Subsec. (a)(1).
Subsec. (a)(2)(D) to (I).
Subsec. (a)(3)(A).
Subsec. (a)(3)(B).
Subsec. (a)(4).
Subsec. (a)(5).
Subsec. (a)(6).
Subsec. (b)(2).
Subsec. (c)(2)(B).
Subsec. (c)(4)(B).
Subsecs. (f), (g).
Subsec. (g)(3).
2018-Subsec. (a)(1).
Subsec. (a)(2), (3).
Subsec. (a)(4).
Subsec. (a)(5).
Subsec. (d)(2)(C).
Subsecs. (e), (f).
2017-Subsec. (a)(1)(E).
Subsec. (a)(2).
Subsec. (a)(4).
"(A) A description of the methodology and criteria to be used by the Secretary to make decisions to close any military medical treatment facility, or to downsize any medical center, hospital, or ambulatory care center, in connection with the transition, including input from the military department concerned.
"(B) A requirement that no closure of a military medical treatment facility, or downsizing of a medical center, hospital, or ambulatory care center, in connection with the transition will occur until 90 days after the date on which Secretary submits to the Committees on Armed Services of the Senate and the House of Representatives a report on the closure or downsizing."
"(1) To ensure the readiness for operational deployment of medical and dental personnel and deployable medical or dental teams or units of the Armed Force or Armed Forces concerned.
"(2) To meet medical readiness standards, subject to standards and metrics established by the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs.
"(3) With respect to uniformed medical and dental personnel of the military department concerned-
"(A) to assign such personnel-
"(i) primarily to military medical treatment facilities, under the operational control of the commander or director of the facility; or
"(ii) secondarily to partnerships with civilian or other medical facilities for training activities specific to such military department; and
"(B) to maintain readiness of such personnel for operational deployment.
"(4) To provide logistical support for operational deployment of medical and dental personnel and deployable medical or dental teams or units of the Armed Force or Armed Forces concerned.
"(5) To oversee mobilization and demobilization in connection with the operational deployment of medical and dental personnel of the Armed Force or Armed Forces concerned.
"(6) To develop operational medical capabilities required to support the warfighter, and to develop policy relating to such capabilities.
"(7) To provide health professionals to serve in leadership positions across the military healthcare system.
"(8) To deliver operational clinical services under the operational control of the combatant commands-
"(A) on ships and planes; and
"(B) on installations outside of military medical treatment facilities.
"(9) To manage privileging, scope of practice, and quality of health care in the settings described in paragraph (8).
"(A) shall be selected by the Director of the Defense Health Agency from among members of the Armed Forces recommended by the Secretaries of the military departments for service in such position; and
"(B) shall be under the authority, direction, and control of the Director while serving in such position.
"(1) to enhance joint military medical operations in support of the requirements of the combatant commands in such region or regions, with a specific focus on current and future contingency and operational plans;
"(2) to ensure the provision of high-quality healthcare services to beneficiaries; and
"(3) to improve the interoperability of healthcare delivery systems in the defense health regions (whether under this subsection, subsection (c), or both).
"(A) provide in each defense health region under this section healthcare delivery venues for uniformed medical and dental personnel to obtain operational clinical competencies; and
"(B) coordinate with the military departments to ensure that staffing at military medical treatment facilities in each region supports readiness requirements for members of the Armed Forces and military medical personnel.
"(i) validate supply and demand requirements for medical and dental services at each military medical treatment facility;
"(ii) in coordination with the Surgeons General of the Armed Forces, provide currency workload for uniformed medical and dental personnel at each such facility to maintain skills proficiency; and
"(iii) if workload is insufficient to meet requirements, identify alternative training and clinical practice sites for uniformed medical and dental personnel, and establish military-civilian training partnerships, to provide such workload.
"(1) A description of the organizational structure of the office of each Surgeon General of the Armed Forces, and of any subordinate organizations of the Armed Forces that will support the functions and responsibilities of a Surgeon General of the Armed Forces.
"(2) The manning documents for staffing in support of the organizational structures described pursuant to paragraph (1), including manning levels before and after such organizational structures are implemented.
"(3) Such recommendations for legislative or administrative action as the Secretary considers appropriate in connection with the implementation of such organizational structures and, in particular, to avoid duplication of functions and tasks between the organizations in such organizational structures and the Defense Health Agency."
"(1) Professional competence.
"(2) Moral and ethical integrity and character.
"(3) Formal education in health care executive leadership and in health care management.
"(4) Such other matters the Secretary determines to be appropriate."
"(1) by not later than October 1, 2018; and
"(2) by not increasing the number of full-time equivalent employees of the Defense Health Agency."
1 So in original. Two pars. (6) have been enacted.