9-2-1518. Claims to be reviewed by panel; prohibition on filing claims in court; tolling of statute of limitation; immunity of panel and witnesses; administration. [Note: this law is repealed by Laws 2021, ch. 99, § 2. effective 7/1/2022.]
(a) The panel shall review all malpractice claims against health care providers filed with the panel except those claims subject to a valid arbitration agreement allowed by law or upon which suit has been filed prior to July 1, 2005. Unless submission to the panel is waived in accordance with W.S. 9-2-1519(a), no complaint alleging malpractice shall be filed in any court against a health care provider before a claim is made to the panel and its decision is rendered. The running of the applicable limitation period in a malpractice action is tolled upon receipt by the director of the claim and does not begin again until thirty (30) days after the panel's final decision, or seventy-five (75) days after the panel's last hearing, whichever occurs earlier.
(b) Panel members are absolutely immune from civil liability for all acts in the course and scope of the duties under this act, including but not limited to communications, findings, opinions and conclusions.
(c) The panel may provide for the administration of oaths, the receipt of claims, the promulgation of forms required under this act, the issuance of subpoenas in connection with the administration of this act, and the performance of all other acts required to fairly and effectively administer this act. A party requesting a subpoena shall bear all costs of mileage and witness fees.