9-2-1104. Commission; powers and duties; advisory capacity to promote system development; public meetings; clerical and administrative support.
(a) The commission shall:
(i) Work with the state budget department, the department of enterprise technology services, the department of homeland security and the department of transportation in an advisory capacity to promote the development, improvement and efficiency of public safety communications systems in the state;
(ii) Report in writing each year to the governor and the joint transportation, highways and military affairs interim committee concerning any problems related to the installation, operation and maintenance of the system and shall make any recommendations it deems appropriate as a part of the report;
(iii) Submit a plan for statewide system networking to the department of enterprise technology services for inclusion in the statewide telecommunications plan developed pursuant to W.S. 9-2-2906(g);
(iv) In cooperation with participating federal agencies, establish and assess user fees upon any federal law enforcement agency electing to use and participate in the system;
(v) Promulgate necessary rules and regulations governing system operation and participation and upon failure to comply with adopted rules and regulations, may suspend system use and participation by any participating and noncomplying public safety agency or private entity;
(vi) Determine the participation of public safety agencies and private entities in the wireless communications network;
(vii) On or before May 31 of each odd numbered year, submit to the governor and the joint transportation, highways and military affairs interim committee a report covering the period beginning July 1 of the following year and ending June 30 in the fourth succeeding year detailing the expected costs of implementing the statewide system networking plan. The report shall include projections of one-time and recurring costs.
(b) The commission may hold public meetings throughout the state and may take other appropriate measures to maintain close liaison with regional, county and municipal organizations and agencies involved in the system.
(c) Necessary clerical and administrative support for the commission shall be furnished by the Wyoming department of transportation.