9-12-601. Wyoming business ready community program; purpose; creation; rulemaking.
(a) It is the purpose of this article to promote economic development at the city, town and county level in order to create additional economic health and a stronger state economy.
(b) The council shall establish and administer a Wyoming business ready community program as provided by this article. Any city, town or county may submit an application to the council for a grant or loan under the program on forms prescribed by and subject to rules promulgated by the council. Grants or loans may be applied for by a joint powers board with the approval of all participating agencies to the joint powers agreement. Grants and loans may be made by the council for economic or educational development, planning or infrastructure projects, including the purchase of land, buildings, facilities, telecommunications infrastructure, rights of way, airports, sewer and water projects, roads, landscaping, recreational and convention facilities or other infrastructure determined by the council to be consistent with the purposes of this article. In adopting rules and making grants and loans under this article the council shall require all projects to be related to economic or educational development, planning or infrastructure, which shall not include rehabilitation or expansion of existing infrastructure unless the council determines the rehabilitation or expansion is necessary to meet the purposes of this article. Planning grants and loans shall be limited as provided in subsection (m) of this section. All grants, loans or cooperative agreements made under this article shall be referred by the council to the state loan and investment board for final approval or disapproval. The state loan and investment board may adopt rules as necessary to implement its duties under this article.
(c) Grants shall be matching grants as determined by the council. Loans shall be made at no or low interest rates.
(d) Grants or loans shall be made under this article, only if the applicant demonstrates that upon receipt of the grant or loan, all projected project costs will be funded. Grants or loans for one (1) project may not exceed a maximum annual amount established by rule of the council. Multi-year projects may be awarded up to the maximum annual amount each year, for a period not to exceed three (3) years, as approved by the state loan and investment board. The application shall identify the source of all funds to be used for the project.
(e) Grants or loans may be used to fund project costs in accordance with approved applications and rules of the council. Grant or loan funds may be used to contract with community development organizations and state development organizations in accordance with the purposes of this article and approved applications.
(f) Loans provided under this article shall be adequately collateralized as determined by the council. No loans shall be made without the written opinion of the attorney general certifying the legality of the transaction and all documents connected therewith. An election approving the project and borrowing for the project by the qualified electors of the borrowing entity shall be required only if the attorney general determines such an election is otherwise required by law.
(g) Repayments of loans under this section shall be credited to the business ready community account. The council shall promulgate rules and regulations to identify the type and maximum amount, as a percentage of the total grant, of the revenue that may be recaptured and credited to the account as a result of grants under this section.
(h) The council may also enter into cooperative agreements with the Eastern Shoshone Tribe and the Northern Arapaho Tribe in order to promote the purposes of this article.
(j) Grants may be made by the council for projects, in accordance with rules of the council, which:
(i) Improve the development of businesses that will provide data generation and information technology storage capabilities statewide or in municipalities of the state;
(ii) Encourage and provide for the expansion of existing businesses providing information technology storage enterprises in the state, including those developed through the University of Wyoming business technology center;
(iii) Provide a reduction of the costs of electrical power or bandwidth, or both, to businesses meeting the provisions of paragraph (j)(i) or (ii) of this section. In exchange for providing these reductions in costs, the political subdivision receiving the grant and providing the reduction in costs shall contract with the business to receive direct benefits and indirect economic development benefits including:
(A) A specific amount of capital investment by the business;
(B) A specific minimum payroll created by the business;
(C) The provision of information technology storage services to the state or the political subdivision at a price discounted from the fair market value of the services; and
(D) An agreement to repay with a reasonable rate of return any funds received to reduce costs if the business relocates from the political subdivision prior to the expiration of five (5) years from the date of first receiving funds.
(k) As used in this article:
(i) "Community development organization" means as defined by W.S. 9-12-301(a)(ii);
(ii) "State development organization" means as defined by W.S. 9-12-301(a)(iv).
(m) Planning grants and loans shall:
(i) Not exceed two percent (2%) of the total amount appropriated to the business ready community program in any fiscal year;
(ii) Not exceed one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) per project;
(iii) Be subject to a twenty-five percent (25%) match requirement, which match shall not be met through funds received from a community development block grant.
(n) Grant and loan recipients shall report the expenditures and progress related to a loan or a grant to the council at least annually and more frequently if deemed necessary by the council. At the end of the term of the grant or loan, the recipient shall furnish a comprehensive report to the council that shall, at a minimum, include a cumulative financial audit and a list of the accomplishments as a result of the grant or loan.
(o) On or before November 1 of each year, the council shall report to the joint appropriations committee and the joint minerals, business and economic development interim committee information on the administration of the business ready community program. The report shall include a list of all grant and loan requests made in the previous twenty-four (24) months, the amount approved by project, expenditures by project and the progress for each project as of the date of the report.