Establishment of Program; Powers and Duties of Division.

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42-2-203. Establishment of program; powers and duties of division.

(a) The department shall:

(i) Establish an employment and training program which shall include job registration and may include job search employment training, work experience and support services;

(ii) Establish the program in as many counties as is feasible given funding limitations, cost effectiveness, geography and unemployment in the county;

(iii) Enter into cooperative agreements with other agencies providing employment training and experience programs to prevent duplication;

(iv) Repealed by Laws 2017, ch. 179, § 2.

(v) Provide participants a copy of the rules and regulations promulgated by the department for the program on participation and for fair hearings.

(b) The department may contract with public agencies and private entities to implement this article. The department may promulgate rules and regulations to implement this article.

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