Petition for Organization; Amendment; Multiple Petitions.

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41-9-102. Petition for organization; amendment; multiple petitions.

No petition having as many signers as are required by this section shall be declared void, but the court may at any time permit the petition to be amended in form and substance to conform to the facts, if the facts justify the organization of a drainage district. Several similar petitions for the organization of the same district may be circulated, and when filed, shall together be regarded as one (1) petition having as many signers as there are separate adult signers on the several petitions filed, who own lands within said proposed drainage district. All petitions for the organization of said district filed prior to the hearing on said petition shall be considered by the court, the same as is filed with the first petitions placed on file, and the signatures thereon contained shall be counted in determining whether sufficient landowners have signed said petition.

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