Reorganization of Sanitary and Improvement Districts as Sewer District or Water and Sewer District.

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41-10-148. Reorganization of sanitary and improvement districts as sewer district or water and sewer district.

Any sanitary and improvement district organized pursuant to the provisions of W.S. 35-3-101 through 35-3-124 may effect its reorganization as a sewer district or water and sewer district pursuant to the provisions of this act. Upon filing of a petition for reorganization of a district by its governing body with the board of county commissioners having jurisdiction as provided in W.S. 41-10-103, the board of county commissioners, by resolution duly entered, shall declare the district organized as a district pursuant to the provisions of this act and shall give the district the corporate name designated in the petition by which it shall be known in all proceedings. The board of county commissioners shall then designate as the first board of directors of the district the five (5) trustees of the sanitary and improvement district, each of which shall serve as a director until the expiration of his term as trustee and until a successor is elected at the next subsequent director election pursuant to W.S. 22-29-112. At the next subsequent director election following organization of the district directors shall be elected for staggered terms as provided by W.S. 41-10-112(b). After entry of the resolution, the district shall be a governmental subdivision of the state of Wyoming and a body corporate with all the powers of a public or quasi-municipal corporation organized pursuant to this act. The validity of the organization may not be questioned directly or indirectly in any suit, action or proceeding except as provided in the Special District Elections Act of 1994. After entry of the resolution, the district shall comply with W.S. 41-10-108 through 41-10-110 and all other relevant provisions of this act.

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