Appeals From Commission Orders; Refunds if Orders Upheld; Utility Duties.

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37-3-203. Appeals from commission orders; refunds if orders upheld; utility duties.

(a) If any natural gas utility contests or appeals any public service commission order pursuant to this article and the order is suspended pending the prosecution of the appeal and the order is upheld in whole or in part:

(i) A refund if practical shall be paid to each customer who received gas service from the original proposed effective date of the order;

(ii) The refund shall be equal to the difference between the price of gas actually charged and the price that would have been charged under the order;

(iii) The utility shall keep accurate, detailed records of which customers are entitled to refunds; and

(iv) The refund shall be made no later than thirty (30) days after a final judgment upholding the public service commission order. Refunds shall be made pursuant to public service commission order.

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