Civil Penalty for Violation of Federal Natural Gas Pipeline Safety Act of 1968; Compromise and Recovery Thereof.

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37-2-129. Civil penalty for violation of federal Natural Gas Pipeline Safety Act of 1968; compromise and recovery thereof.

(a) Such civil penalty may be compromised by the commission, and such determination shall be in the nature of a final order appealable by the person alleged to have committed the violation only upon his refusal to pay. In determining the amount of the penalty, or the amount agreed upon in compromise, the size of the business of the person charged, the gravity of the violation and the good faith of the person charged in attempting to achieve compliance after notification of a violation shall be considered. The amount of the penalty when finally determined, or the amount agreed upon in compromise may be deducted from any sums owing by the state to the person charged or may be recovered in a civil action in the state courts.

(b) Any action to recover said sums shall be commenced in the courts in and for the county or district in which the principal office of the commission is located.

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